We Are Sikhs- Poem from the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin

Amardeep Kaleka,  whose father,  Satwant Singh Kaleka,  was killed in the massacre at the Oak Creek Sikh Temple on August 5th,  recently released a video via You Tube. It’s a clip of a project he is currently working on,  which will illustrate how Sikhs have flourished in the United States.  “The idea behind the video was unity and unification and trying to send our voice out there,”  Kalenka told WTMJ.

“Feel with us,” urged Kaleka. “Just take a second,  step out of your skin,  and just feel the emotion through the video.”


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1 thought on “We Are Sikhs- Poem from the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin

  1. Thank you for posting this. I’m moved by it, and I hope its message will spread widely and resonate deeply. Contrast it with the following reaction to Ishwar Singh’s invocation at the RNC:


    We have a long way to go, but I think the way can be shortened if We Are Sikhs makes its way through the blogosphere and social networking hubs. Pass it on.

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