Obituary: Jean E. Dohnal of Wisconsin Conservative Digest

Long time readers are probably more familiar with one of our regular readers and more prolific commenters, Robert Dohnal. I am sorry to report that Mr. Dohnal’s wife Jean Dohnal recently passed away. Our sympathy and condolences to Mr. Dohnal and his family. May they find peace and comfort in…

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COVID-19: Lessons Learned: Essential Employees Tend To Be Minimum Wage Earners

As the United States has struggled with lock downs, stay at home orders, and other socially and economically disruptive actions taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus…decisions were made about who is/isn’t an essential worker in an essential business. Obviously health care workers are essential, as are police and…

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It’s Time For Milwaukee To Re-imagine Their Fire and Police Commission

This was one of the posts that I meant to finish in that catch up Friday some weeks ago. But I never got to it, partly because I kinda burned out that day and partly because it seems impossible to completely get my head around. I started working on this…

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Early Returns From The Milwaukee Recount

Some reporters don’t do math apparently. Here is Pat Poblete’s correction: Both of the individuals are political reporters.

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Despite All Of The Real Nonsense Around The “Wisconsin Recount”, This Is What They Got Upset About?

Everyday poll workers, poll watchers, and others supervising the Milwaukee County recount at the Wisconsin Center are given wrist bands when they pass through their health and security screening. And everyday they get a different wrist band…and to any of us who have attended any type of event with wrist…

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This Should Be Rep. Gwen Moore’s Last Term In Washington.

On November 3, 2020, US Representative Gwen Moore won her 9th term to represent Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District. When this term is complete, she will have served 18 years in Washington and be 71 years old. Now, I have nothing personal against Rep. Moore. I realize that she is an…

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MAGA Adherents Celebrate Mass Shooting At Mayfair Mall.

Despite the mass shooting at Mayfair Mall yesterday, that left eight people injured, the MAGA rally advertised by the Wisconsin Conservative Digest, took place outside. David Clarke was supposed to be the featured speaker, but I haven’t seen any reports on the activities other than parades and flag waving. I…

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Word From The Trenches At The Milwaukee County WI Recount.

This is from a social media page from a volunteer at the recount site in Milwaukee County. It was posted around noon today. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin… A few minutes after the recount started today a representative of the trump campaign objected and presented a list of demands to the commission….

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And The Lucky Recount Winners Are? Milwaukee And Dane Counties!

This makes little to no sense…yes the biggest number of Biden votes came from Milwaukee and Dane counties…but yes…they are Democratic strong holds and always go Democratic. The Trump campaign needs to flip 11,000 votes to possibly negate Biden’s lead of nearly 21,000 votes. I don’t think that’s likely to…

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Should Poll Workers, Municipal Clerks, and Election Officials Start A Class Action Libel Suit Against The President?

IF there were voter fraud and manipulation of votes to insure a specific outcome of an election the size and scope and visibility of the presidential election in the United States…there would need to be concerted and co-ordinated corruption across multiple states and multiple cities and multiple party members to…

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