Bob Donovan Bought A Dog Whistle

Former Milwaukee Alderman and recent Greenfield resident Bob Donovan is running against Milwaukee Common Council President Cavalier Johnson for Mayor of Milwaukee. In several recent statements it is apparent that the conservative Donovan has decided to purchase a dog whistle straight out of the Trump/Gablman toy box. Hopefully most of…

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Bob Donovan Should Just Simply Withdraw From The Milwaukee Mayoral Election:

Why??? Because of this article: Bob Donovan says he would probably move back to Greenfield if he loses the Milwaukee mayoral race. This is behind a fire wall so you might not be able to get at it…but here’s the gist. Former Ald. Bob Donovan is running to be the…

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Bob Donovan’s Repeat Attempt To Smear Cavalier Johnson.

We recently discussed Milwaukee Mayoral Candidate Bob Donovan’s attempt to smear Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson on social media…a social media thread that his campaign apparently deleted after thinking about it a bit more. But apparently the former alderman isn’t one to easily give up on a favorite line of disinformation….

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Wait, wait, wait. Milwaukee Mayoral Candidate Bob Donovan Is Campaigning In…West Allis?

I hope he doesn’t think that West Allis is part of Milwaukee…there are a lot of West Allis residents who would take umbrage with that…but given some of his other miscues, I wouldn’t be totally surprised. But yes, on Sunday, Milwaukee Mayoral candidate Bob Donovan made an obvious campaign appearance…

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Bob Donovan’s Attempt To Smear Cavalier Johnson

Now the social media truism, if there aren’t pictures it didn’t happen. Well there aren’t any pictures…my bad. But it did happen but because I don’t have screen grabs here I will do my best to paraphrase the event from memory. SO…most of our regulars know that former Alderman Bob…

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Local Indicator Of The Need For Campaign Finance Reform

Full Disclaimer: I have endorsed Common Council President and Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson for Mayor of Milwaukee and will continue my support through this election cycle. A few days ago, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Daniel Bice wrote about a ‘shadowy’ third party organization that has purchased television advertising in support…

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A Map of the North Shore Districts adjacent to Milwaukee

Instead of breaking up MPS, let’s merge!

Dear Senator Alberta Darling, It’s good to hear from you. I was getting worried; it’s been a couple of election cycles since you’ve popped up with any anti-Milwaukee nonsense (I don’t think I have written you since 2016!), but here you are, just in time to distract the GOP base…

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So Just How Conservative Is Milwaukee Mayoral Candidate Bob Donovan?

Conservative. This has always been an adjective added to former Milwaukee Alderman Bob Donovan’s name in any media discussing his time on the Common Council or his attempts to run for Mayor of Milwaukee. And now with no incumbent in the race to replace former Mayor Tom Barrett, Bob Donovan…

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We Do Redistricting All Wrong!

And no, this post isn’t a rant against gerrymandering or other bias in district distribution. This is more an observation on how ass backwards the system seems to be. This all comes from a newspaper article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel stating that the City of Milwaukee had to wait…

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I Am Endorsing Cavalier Johnson for Mayor of the City of Milwaukee!

With the appointment and confirmation of incumbent Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett as US Ambassador to Luxembourg, Milwaukee has an opportunity to bring a new and younger voice to the mayor’s office. And I am proud to endorse my friend, Common Council President Cavalier “Chevy” Johnson for Mayor of Milwaukee. I…

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