Did Cudahy Mayor Tom Pavlic make bigoted remarks?

At a Cudahy Common Council meeting on January 7, 2020 a concerned Cudahy resident alleged Cudahy Mayor Tom Pavlic made racially insensitive comments towards the citizen that at a private event on December 31, 2019. Audio of the public comments made by the citizen in question were posted to YouTube…

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Catching Up On the MKE County Executive Race

From the email this morning…former candidate for governor, Matt Flynn, has endorsed Glendale Mayor Bryan Kennedy for Milwaukee County Executive: I am excited to support the campaign of my good friend Bryan Kennedy for Milwaukee County Executive.  Bryan was my campaign manager in 2018 and he shares my progressive values….

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Poor Ideas In Public Safety: Foxconn Edition

Yes, Foxconn is actually building some type of manufacturing facility in Racine County in Wisconsin. But they don’t seem to fully appreciate the building safety laws that we’ve all come to expect. What do I mean? Sprinkler systems in buildings. Something that we all take for granted in modern buildings….

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Poor Ideas In Public Safety: Milwaukee Common Council Edition

One of the biggest controversies in Milwaukee is the issue around lead pipe water laterals which may be compromising the health of thousands of Milwaukeeans living in older homes and apartments. The permanent solution is to replace the antiquated lead laterals with modern safer materials. But of course that solution…

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WEAC Numbers On Cost of Voucher Schools to Public Schools

Is your school district on this list? Are you aware of these numbers? List is from our email inbox today! In previous communications we warned you that the gerrymandered state legislature set the clock ticking on a Voucher Time Bomb that is inflicting extreme financial hardship on public school districts…

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Racine Republican, Robin Vos, Worried About Milwaukee Budget

It’s that time of year and Wisconsin municipalities are putting together their budgets for the upcoming year. And as always, Milwaukee is struggling to meet their budgetary needs under the various restraints imposed on them by the Republicans in control of the state legislature and former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker….

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County Exec. Chris Abele Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection

I don’t think many people saw this coming… Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele is not seeking re-election, he announced Wednesday. That’s a reversal from May, when Abele told the Journal Sentinel he was running again. He said he first ran because he wanted to make a difference and thinks government…

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Grass Roots Fundraising My Ass!

Now I’ll admit that I’ve gotten fundraising requests from many of the presidential candidates for minimal amounts…even as low as $1. But many of the local candidates for state, county, and city offices are starting to stretch for bigger and bigger dollars and specifying minimums. I think that sucks and…

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WI State GOP Call For Veto Override

Man oh man, you can almost hear the sphincters snap shut when Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos heard that state budget transportation dollars might be available for the Milwaukee Street Car (aka the Hop). You know the street car? The one the state legislatively prohibits…

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Abele Actions Scream Out For Campaign Finance Reform.

I have been a very vocal advocate for campaign finance reform. You can find several posts here on BB…but the basic tenets are: only eligible voters can contribute to campaigns…and only to campaigns that they are eligible to vote in. A few corollaries, but that’s about it. But then there’s…

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