Working Families Party Weighs In On 2020 House Races

from the email inbox this morning: The Working Families Party is thrilled to announce our first four Congressional endorsements for 2020: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib! These four members of Congress have courageously stood up for their constituents in the face of poisonous hatred from the…

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They Weren’t Rapists, Or Drug Dealers, Or Human Traffickers

yet Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents rounded up 680 people who might be illegal immigrants…at their places of work. at their places of work. So instead of rapists or gang members or drug dealers or human traffickers…ICE rounded up hard working individuals who had jobs and have families and were…

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Can We Feel Safe Here?

Stolen from Facebook:

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How Responsible Is The President For Recent Shootings?

I am stealing this from Twitter (again): Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes. full article HERE

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Shame On Me For Missing This: Racism at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

this came up in the Blogging Blue Twitter feed. I am disgusted with myself for not understanding what I was reading…on Saturday the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Green Sheet includes a news quiz with multiple choice answers: And the tweet that brought this to my attention: Today @js_newswatch decided that a…

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Whitewashing American History via George Washington Murals

Another issue a bit out of the normal Blogging Blue world…but this is a little bit disturbing to me as an artist and a political activist. Here’s the full article and here’s a bit of background: The 1,600-square-foot mural series titled “Life of Washington” was painted on San Francisco’s George…

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Somewhere In Here Trump Almost Supported the First Amendment

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Trump Disavows Disavowal of “Send Her Home” Chant

Well I guess this was inevitable…the “Send Her Home” chant must be doing really well in the Trump/Pence 2020 internal polling…because the president reversed his position. President Donald Trump has reversed his previous criticisms of a North Carolina campaign crowd that chanted “send her back” about a Somali-born congresswoman. Trump…

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Just Leaving This Trump Nonsense Out Here For All To See:

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Our Sunday Morning Homily:

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