Like Neo in his tank, it’s time to WAKE UP

In The Matrix, Neo (Keanu Reeves) discovers that the world he thought he was living in was merely an illusion, a computer-generated program designed to keep him docile and to be, in effect, a D-Cell battery.  I’ve long held that The Matrix is a brilliant example of political cinema.  The use of…

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Because Unions are the Problem…

They are an obstacle to freedom… if you measure freedom by greater inequality.

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Former Republican Bernard Hlavac Runs Anti-Walker Ad in the Journal-Sentinel

A former executive with Sentry Insurance and Republican, Bernard Hlavac bought a half-page ad in Sunday’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel outlining why he supports the recall of Governor Scott Walker. “I can’t think of a better way to spend my money than on this,” he said in a telephone interview from…

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“This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the Earth…”

Congressman Daniel Webster (R-FL). But last week, the Republican-led House voted to eliminate the survey altogether, on the grounds that the government should not be butting its nose into Americans’ homes. “This is a program that intrudes on people’s lives, just like the Environmental Protection Agency or the bank regulators,”…

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Wisconsin Loses Another 6,200 Jobs in April

Yes, it sure is working.  Carry on, citizens, nothing to see here. At a time when government jobs statistics are under scrutiny as never before, preliminary data released Thursday showed that Wisconsin lost an estimated 6,200 private-sector jobs in April. April showed the second consecutive month of private-sector job losses…

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I’m Sure This Will Turn Out Well

Because who needs all that pesky data clogging up our faith-based ideological decision making process?  Governor Walker has shown us the way! On May 9 the House voted to kill the American Community Survey, which collects data on some 3 million households each year and is the largest survey next to the…

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On The Mendacity of the Polling; -or- Egg Counting for Conservatives [UPDATED]

When it rains, it pours… All over Tom Barrett.  The most recent Marquette University Poll showing that Governor Walker has passed Tom Barrett in the race for Governor is all the rage among the Walkerbots on Twitter and the squawkers on the radio.  But, like the Walker job numbers, if you scratch…

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Crunching the Walker Jobs Numbers

I am an interested amateur when it comes to questions of economics.  I have read a lot and talked to actual economists from time to time (I maintain a regular correspondence with a few), but I have no formal training beyond my background in statistics and social science and one…

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Agitprop Wisconsin!

Data has always been putty to be molded by propagandists into informational power.  Through the inclusion of irrelevant data or the exclusion of relevant data, these students of Stalin use the data to fabricate a “reality.”  They rely on the obfuscatory possibilities afforded by rows and rows of numbers, complex charts,…

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Cooking the Books

First he campaigns on a fictional future, now he’s cooking the DWD books.  Will this man stop at nothing to cling to power? Gov. Scott Walker said Monday that Wisconsin’s job creation numbers for his first year in office will be revised this week, less than three weeks before he…

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