Some Thoughts On The GOP Reticence to Defend Ukraine.

I have already taken a position on this on Blogging Blue: 1938 Sudetenland : 1939 Poland :: 2022 Ukraine : 2023 Poland. But given some of the comments at the GOP debate this past week, I guess I need to do it again. A friend of mine recently visited the…

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Items About Certain Document Content In The Trump Indictment Just Made This Personal.

When I read a list of the subjects covered in the top secret and confidential documents that Donald Trump secreted in Mar a Lago, it got very personal for me. Other than nuclear secrets, US troop strengths, NATO alliance secrets, etc, one item stood out after a moments consideration, a…

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Wisconsin US Rep. Bryan Steil Is An Enemy Of Safe And Fair Elections On Top Of Being A Tone Deaf Hypocrite.

First off, I apologize but this article is behind a pay wall at JSOnline, the website of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil’s committee tasked with election oversight hires an ex-Trump campaign aide tied to the fake elector scheme. I will try to make sure I have…

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Marjorie Traitor Greene Owns Her New Nickname:

And living up to her older nickname as Kremlin Karen, Rep. Greene again shows her devotion and fealty to the actual enemies of the American people and the American nation. need the rest of the tweet? here it is: “Ask yourself who is the real enemy?” she wrote on Twitter….

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Trump at CPAC: I can end the war in Ukraine…

Trump: Can end ‘disastrous’ Russian war in a day Trump said, “Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly,” adding that he “got along very well” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who would listen…

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1938 Sudetenland : 1939 Poland :: 2022 Ukraine : 2023 Poland

America’s GOP Kremlin Kens and Karens are vying for the title of Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century…their mothers will be so proud.

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Ron Johnson Displays His Lack Of Spine Again…Even Though His Post Is A Celebration…Well For Him Anyway.

So yesterday as all of you know, the 118th Congress got underway in Washington…well sort of. But the Senate did get started and members were sworn in yesterday, including the embarrassment from Wisconsin and insurrectionist, Ron Johnson. So of course Rojo wanted to celebrate the event and posted this tweet…

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Looking For Some Light Reading In The New Year? Here’s Robin Vos’ Jan 6th Congressional Testimony.

I haven’t had a chance to read this yet…I need to get some popcorn stocked in first. Any idea where I can get some decent popcorn?? Select Committee To Investigate The January 6th Attack On The US Capitol: Interview of Robin Vos [ht to Dan Shafer for the link]

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“Zelenskyy was all rumpled and not wearing a suit, very disrespectful.”

I am just gonna leave this here:

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Sunday Comix: GOP Plans

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