Five ways for the big three to cut the deficit!

With the recent election results of republicans taking over the House and also the State of Wisconsin, it is time to lower the deficit. With Paul Ryan(R-Wall St.), Jim Sensenbrenner(R- Tampons) and Tom Petri (R-WI) just banded together(being fiscal conservatives and deficit hawks) to come up with a proposal to…

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Paul Ryan called out yet again on his incompetence….

Simon Johnson is a legitimate economist, Paul Ryan is NOT! Unfortunately Paul Ryan is now in charge of our money, Simon Johnson is not. Writing in the financial times today Simon Johnson joins the ever growing crowd of economists who feel the need to point out Paul Ryan’s incompetence, lack…

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Republican obstructionism reaches new levels

In a stunning display of obstructionism, Republican Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama has put a “blanket hold” on at least 70 nominations President Obama has sent to the Senate, according to multiple reports. The hold means no nominations can move forward unless Senate Democrats can secure a 60-member cloture vote…

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Time To Raise The Gas Tax!

Long time readers know that I have been a proponent of raising Wisconsin’s gas tax for some time. Particularly after watching the state’s infrastructure suffer while the governor funded the Department of Transportation with debt. In the articles that I linked in yesterday’s article about Governor Tony Evers’ People’s Budget…there…

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Scott Walker’s WEDC acted politically instead of prudently? Say it ain’t so!

According to a recent report in the Wisconsin State Journal by Matthew DeFour, WEDC, the public-private hybrid job creation agency created by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, in many cases acted irresponsibly in doling out taxpayer monies in order to benefit supporters of Gov. Walkers. Of course, this should surprise…

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EJ Dionne: No more liberal apologies as Elizabeth Warren takes the offensive

Over at the Washington Post, EJ Dionne has an excellent piece on how Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren is going on the offensive and calling for an end to the era of liberal apologies. Since the Reagan era, Democrats have been so determined to show how pro-market and pro-business they are…

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#ThrowbackThursday – Paul Ryan’s updated “Despicable Me”

Shortly after Rep. Paul Ryan was chosen as Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate in 2012, I shared a compilation over at Blogging Blue of some of the really really stupid things Paul Ryan has said and done throughout his career as a politician. In keeping with the theme of…

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The Hideous and Insidious – A Glimpse at the Sinuous 1% (Part Two)

The 1% Propaganda Echo Chamber reverberates… a microcosm: Matt Kibbe tweets an article by Tyler Cowen, see The Hideous and Insidious – A Glimpse at the Sinuous 1% (Part One). Tyler Cowen tweets an article by Libertarian faux-populist extraordinaire, Ross Douthat:  A Bad Way to Bash Republicans. And to continue from The…

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The Hideous and Insidious – A Glimpse at the Sinuous 1% (Part One)

  Over the weekend, Tom Kludt at TPM published a far too brief, but interesting Shutdown follow up.  His piece scratched the surface of the Koch Brothers Political War Machine by drawing attention to Matt Kibbe’s Tweet linking to Tyler Cowen’s post-shutdown analysis of the GOP: Freedom Works CEO: Shutdown,…

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Climate and Citizenry: Caught Between Denial and “Innovation”

Concurrent with the UN Assembly debates in New York is the Clean Revolution global summit meeting, fashionably dubbed Climate Week, NYC. Heading into both events corporate media giant Bloomberg published this piece: Climate Report Puts Doubt to Rest, World Bank President Says A little unpacking: A draft working group report…

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