Mary Burke: I’m a “fiscal conservative”

According to a report in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner Mary Burke called herself a “fiscal conservative” during a meeting on Tuesday with Milwaukee business leaders. While I understand that calling herself a “fiscal conservative” will win her some votes among moderates and independents, it’s certainly not going…

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Don’t preach “fiscal responsibility” unless you live it in your own life

“It’s not just good enough to say, you know what, we think Barack Obama’s doing a bad job. You’ve got to say what you would do instead. And I think there’s so much to be done, whether it’s stop the growth of the federal government, stop spending money we don’t…

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Feingold a favorite Democrat of conservatives?

According to a recent piece in Newsweek, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold is one of a few Democrats who have won praise – or at least grudging respect – from conservatives despite a less than bipartisan political atmosphere in the nation. Here’s what Newsweek had to say about Sen. Feingold: Current…

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Feingold’s fiscal responsibility

Here’s an interesting fact for all those conservatives who like to attack U.S. Senator Russ Feingold: U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has never requested an earmark during his time as Wisconsin’s Junior U.S. Senator. Here’s another interesting fact for those same folks: according to the group Citizens Against Government Waste, earmarks…

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Vos and Fitzgerald Are Trolling Wisconsin With Tolling!

The Wisconsin GOP cabal that was former Governor Scott Walker plus the continuing Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald kept kicking the can down the road on funding for highway repairs and construction. In their last two budgets, hewing to their no tax increase mantras, instead…

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Scott Walker spent less than 1 hour per day doing his job during his presidential campaign

If this isn’t the very definition of “government waste” then I don’t know what is. Gov. Scott Walker spent an average of less than one hour per day doing state business during his short-lived presidential campaign, according to records released to FOX6 News. Over his 71-day campaign, Walker’s official monthly…

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Robin Vos Is (STILL) A Hingst

In case you didnt know., Robin Vos is a Hingst. Robin Vos has a history of not telling the truth and having complete disdain for the people of Wisconsin. In case there was any doubt, the events of recent days prove that Vos is still a Hingst! Thanks to persistence…

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Tea Party Intruders!

Tuesday we collectively turn in our signatures guaranteeing the recall of Governor Scott Walker and Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. The official number of signatures needed is 540,208. I have heard rumblings of turning in a number far beyond this. The Blood, sweat and tears of thousnds of Wisconsinites who went…

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The Republicans in Wisconsin need our help!

The topic of the week this week is should the republicans keep policy items and pork projects out of the budget. Despite their promise to do just that(it would take a month of posts to cover broken republican campaign promises), this budget is filled with policy items and pork projects….

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Hold on to your Wallets…

The “Fiscal Conservative” republicans are at it again. We have seen recently that the incompetence of the Walker Administration is going to cost us millions (HERE) and (HERE). Now we have two more bills that the Republicans are passing on to the taxpayers. The first is huge legal bills that…

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