“Despicable Me 2” – Starring Paul Ryan

Shortly after Rep. Paul Ryan was chosen as Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate in 2012, I shared a compilation of some of the really really stupid things Paul Ryan has said and done throughout his career as a politician. In keeping with the theme of that post, here’s “Despicable…

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National Politics: Sugar Sugar and the Honeyed Gall

  Sugar Sugar: Sugar Daddy’s Sugar Coating, Sugar Pipes… this post is all about sugar: the cloying and the sickeningly sweet that makes a fine icing over our national politics. First up for the sugar fix – a bona fide whistle blowing mindblower that exposes the viciously arcane – where…

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“Despicable Me” – Starring Paul Ryan

Those of you who are regular readers of Blogging Blue may remember the “Thirteen Gaffes of Tommy,” which chronicled a baker’s dozen of the best gaffes from former governor (and current U.S. Senate candidate) Tommy Thompson. As I’ve been pondering Mitt Romney’s choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice…

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Tommy Thompson is a budget cutting expert? Hardly!

Watch as former Governor and current Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Thompson explains at a meeting of the Lake Country Area Defenders of Liberty in Oconomowoc on June 4 how he’s got the expertise necessary to curb government spending if elected to the U.S. Senate: But here’s some irrefutable facts…

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Mitt Romney LOVES Scott Walker…and he’s completely wrong about the Wisconsin Retirement System

Sez former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt “R-Money” Romney… “Governor Walker is, in my opinion, an excellent governor, and I believe that he is right to stand up for the citizens of Wisconsin, and to insist that those people who are working in the public sector unions have rights to effect their…

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Michigan Seems Like Obama’s Dream

Michigan holds its GOP primary at the end of this month, and if it were held right now it would be Mitt Romney’s nightmare.  Romney, who calls himself a “son of Detroit,” and who went to school at the elite Cranbrook Academy in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, has is having a tough go…

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So how much money did Florida’s drug testing of welfare recipients save taxpayers?

Remember how conservatives in Florida touted drug testing of welfare recipients in that state as a sure-fire way to save taxpayers bucketloads of money? Yeah, not so much. Net savings to the state: $3,400 to $5,000 annually on one month’s worth of rejected applicants. Over 12 months, the money saved…

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America is not Greece, but Wisconsin Might Be

One of the grand lies that conservatives like to tell Americans is that “We’re becoming just like Greece.”  Without going into a lot of economic detail here, if you believe the MMT economists are right (I do), there is no possible way for America to “go broke” in the way…

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Refactoring Time

[Cross-posted at The Masses] I started blogging a few years ago, but I was never really dedicated to it.  I’d post a bit here and a bit there, but I didn’t have the interest or the drive to keep it going.  It wasn’t until Scott Walker attacked the working men…

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Americans For Prosperity: It’s really not working

[This post was co-authored by Lisa Mux and Phil Scarr.  All spelling or grammatical errors belong exclusively to Phil] We watched agape as Americans for Prosperity held an “It’s Working Wisconsin Town Hall” meeting at the Waukesha Expo center.  And as an added bonus, Lisa got a big hug from…

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