Thugs Threaten Boycotts…

Earlier in the year, Earlier in the year, some union members in southeast Wisconsin suggested that if a business owner did not support the unions efforts in total it might lead to a boycott of their business. Wow, did that make the right wing in our great state unhinged. The…

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NEWT! Finally an Adult in the GOP Primary Race

OK, Newt’s an adulterer, and not that much of an adult, but the Republicans have got to take what they can get, I suppose.  This week’s polling of the Republican Presidential primary field is about the most ludicrous yet.  Sure, we all knew that serial sexual harrasser Herman Cain would…

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Eric Cantor Needs His Fix

of Stimulus Money! yes Paul Ryan’s BFF needs his fix and needs it bad. Like a typical addict though, he has two personalities and has a hard time ever telling the truth. ‘ Eric Cantor # 1: “And what we see in this budget, frankly, is an attempt, again, to…

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Yeah, those Republicans really are responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars….

….or not. Gov. Nikki Haley’s weeklong trip to Europe in June in search of “jobs, jobs, jobs” cost South Carolinians more than $127,000. But the governor and her entourage of more than two dozen returned without any finished deals to bring new employers to the Palmetto State. Haley, who captured…

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Can you believe Luther Olsen?

Luther Olsen was recently at a Fund Raiser where he heaped much praise on Rol Church. “We also have a treat today,” Olsen said, saying his supporters were going to “meet someone today that you are going to remember.” “There’s a guy who knows who he is,” he continued. “He…

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Luther and Clark

Some updates on State Senate District 14 – where Fred Clark is poised to become their next state senator. Here is a smorgasboard of events in this race. 1. Here is a list of debates the two candidates have scheduled. Attend if your close. 2. Here is the ad that…

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Polls Polls Polls

In the wake of this weeks election results, where California Democrat Janice Hahn, soundly beat a \"tea party\" candidate for the seat vacated by corporatist Blue Dog Democrat Jane Harman. Here in Wisconsin the democratic challengers to the ethically challenged republican senators facing recalls withstood a primary by “fake” democrats…

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The heartfelt words of a teacher….

This letter has made the way around email chains but not necessarily the cheddarsphere. i know some would call me lazy for posting in its entirety something I did not write but I think many of the points in here dont make it through the MSM clutter and why not…

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Bipartisan deficit commission proposes drastic cuts, including Social Security

Earlier today the co-chairs of President Barack Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, Democrat Erskine Bowle and Republican Alan Simpson released a proposal to curtail Social Security benefits, drastically cut federal spending, and increase taxes for millions of Americans as a means of cutting the nation’s total deficits…

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Real World Consequences…

In today’s Financial Times(hardly the liberal media), Martin Wolf has an interesting article on Supply Side Economics. Mr. Wolf is the chief economics commentator for the FT, and not being American can look upon the situation and judge it objectively. That is why while he marveled at the political genius…

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