Ye Olde 99 Percent

Class Warfare circa 1765 Disapproval of the extreme wealth of the few during an economic downturn was made clear in a 1765 letter to the editor of theNew–York Gazette. The letter is primarily about the worsening relations with the “Mother Country,” England. However, the writer also expresses dissatisfaction with affairs…

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The Bubble is Intact

The bubble that encloses the tone-deaf, tin-eared masters-of-the-universe who tried their hardest to destroy the economy and the American dream along with it.  Yes, they are suffering greatly, those poor, poor 1%ers.

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DNC Ad – You’re Fired….

New DNC Ad – You’re Fired…

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The Real Message: OCCUPY is working!

According to the ultimate republican message man, and Scott Walker\'s close adviser, Frank Luntz. H/T Think Progress Speaking to Rupert Murdoch\'s favorite charity, the republican Governor’s Association, Luntz let it be known that OCCUPY is having an effect on the people of America. Luntz told attendees that he’s “scared of…

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Eric Cartman is the 1%!

And he’s not happy about it.

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Hacking the Charts for the 99%

A clever way to visualize the 99% movement

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