Governor Brownback Vetoes Kansas Medicaid Expansion

As I wrote earlier this week, Kansas was one of the red states considering accepting the Medicaid expansion that is part of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare…when can we stop akaing this thing?). Well the Kansas state legislature passed the bill authorizing the request, but solid gold Tea Party…

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Hey Kids, Let’s Drug Test Health Insurance Applicants!

As I stated yesterday, in the face of the failure of the GOP bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, instead of considering accepting the Medicaid expansion like a number of other Republican states, Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker wants to move more people off of BadgerCare (the Wisconsin…

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AHCA Goes On Hiatus But This Wasn’t a Win For the Democrats

When it was obvious that they didn’t have the votes in the House to pass the American Health Care Act, House Speaker Paul Ryan and President Donald Trump agreed to pull it from consideration. They claimed it was close but the Washington Post was touting 36 confirmed no votes and…

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Why the GOP Doesn’t Have a Robust Health Insurance Plan

You’d think after seven years of kvetching, the GOP would have a robust plan to provide all Americans with health insurance. Well they didn’t need to. All they wanted to do was run against Obamacare…and promise to repeal it…and pass the bills to do so since they knew President Obama…

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Whither Obamacare: But We Promised!

Just because you promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act doesn’t mean you have to put just the first piece of nonsense that comes into your head…something that doesn’t actually solve the issues Americans face affording health care nor fixes the issues around Obamacare. And when does one…

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Even Senator Ron Johnson Knows the AHCA is Whack!

It’s a rare day when I agree with anything that comes out of the mouth of Wisconsin’s Republican Senator, Ron Johnson. Even though he’s hard core tea party, he recognizes when the health insurance plan being pushed by House Speaker Paul Ryan is totally whack. Senate Republican Ron Johnson of…

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AHCA Is A Black And White Choice

Apparently the White House doesn’t realize there are a number of things that could be done to improve health insurance options for all Americans. They are just seeing this as a Black and White choice…either you support the American Health Care Act or you have to live with the Affordable…

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Countering With The Fixes for Obamacare?

For the past two weeks everyone has dissected and bisected the American Health Care Act and everyone other than Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and President Donald Trump have found it abominable. And of course the Democrats in the Capitol are heartily opposed to AHCA in every way, shape,…

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Health Care versus Health Insurance

In all of the debate around the repeal of the Affordable Care Act…terms sometimes get lost in the discussion. The GOP likes to talk about improving health care or increasing access to health care. Well their bill does nothing of the sort. Health care as we know it has existed…

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Whither Obamacare: No lifetime cap

Prior to passage of the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies imposed a lifetime cap on how much coverage any individual was entitled to. There is no longer a life time cap…my guess that goes away under the American Health Care Act.

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