What, No Turd?

Robin Vos authorized Mike Gableman to spend tax payer dollars flying to Arizona and South Dakota to look into the Arizona GOP so-called audit of Maricopa County’s election results, ( you know, the ultra-violet light/watermark/bamboo ballot/let’s send this stuff to a remote cabin in Montana), Arizona debacle, and the Mike…

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Bamboo Brandtjen Should Go To Michigan

Wisconsin’s lead election conspiracist, Janel ” Bamboo ” Brandtjen, recently traveled to Arizona to observe whatever the hell it is that’s going on out there in Maricopa County, and upon her return promptly announced she’d like to see an ” Arizona style audit ” of Wisconsin’s election results, which presumably…

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Bamboo Brandtjen Jumps The Shark

It’s official: GOP Assembly Rep Janel ” Bamboo ” Brandtjen has returned from her trip to Arizona and stated she would like to see an Arizona style ” audit ” of Wisconsin’s November election! What can we expect next? We’re going to need a ton of UV lights to screen…

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