Bohrod campaign slams investment board bonuses

Here’s something from my email inbox: BOHROD CAMPAIGN: BOHROD SLAMS INVESTMENT BOARD BONUSES MADISON–State Treasurer candidate Dan Bohrod today blasted the recent announcement that employees of the State of Wisconsin Investment Board will receive a total of nearly $5 million in bonuses, just nine days after 144,000 current retirees received…

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Bohrod campaign issues apology

On Friday I noted Democratic State Treasurer candidate Dan Bohrod has come under scrutiny for a press release he emailed to a number of state legislators at their state-provided email addresses. The press release was also lacking the “Authorized and paid for by….” disclaimer, and attorney Michael Maistelman filed a…

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Bohrod campaign breaks election laws?

Democrat Dan Bohrod, who’s challenging incumbent Democrat Dawn Marie Sass in the State Treasurer’s race, might be in a bit of trouble, if this letter from attorney Michael Maistelman is any indication. Maistelman, who represents Treasurer Sass, alleged Bohrod’s campaign has communicated with individuals at their government offices in violation…

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Blogging Blue’s “Ten in ’10”

I’ve previously mentioned Blogging Blue’s “Ten in ’10,” a fundraising page I’ve set up through ActBlue to collect online contributions for the ten elected officials and organizations I feel are worth donating to for the coming election cycle, and I just wanted to take a moment to encourage those of…

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Bohrod issues statement on withdrawal of Republican candidate from State Treasurer race

State Treasurer candidate Dan Bohrod issued a statement yesterday in response to a recent announcement by Republican Jason Punzel that he was withdrawing from the race for the office of State Treasurer. In his statement, Bohrod noted he was not terribly surprised by the announcement: “I don’t personally know Jason,“…

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Bohrod issues statement on Edvest legislation

State Treasurer candidate Dan Bohrod, who’s running against incumbent Dawn Marie Sass, issued a statement urging the passage of AB135, which would repair an omission in the current Edvest Savings College Program that disallows tax deductions by divorced and separated parents: Bohrod, who recently announced his candidacy for the 2010…

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Coming Soon to Blogging Blue

Coming soon to Blogging Blue: Interviews with State Treasurer candidate Dan Bohrod, Cudahy mayoral candidate Kevin Fech, and Iraq war veteran Robin Eckstein, a Wisconsin native who’s a part of Operation FREE. I’m also attempting to arrange an interview with fifth Congressional district candidate Todd Kolosso, a Democrat looking to…

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Treasurer candidate blasts bonuses

State Treasurer candidate Dan Bohrod issue a statement yesterday criticizing the announcement that dozens of employees of the Wisconsin Investment Board will receive bonuses, despite the fact that the state’s Pension Fund lost $26 billion in value since the economic downturn: MADISON–State Treasurer candidate Dan Bohrod today blasted the announcement…

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State Treasurer to have primary opponent

Dawn Marie Sass, the current State Treasurer, will have a primary opponent in 2010, as Dan Bohrod announced his candidacy on Monday. Sass, a first-term Democrat, has been plagued with questions lately over a backlog in processing unclaimed property claims, her decision to force out her chief deputy, and her…

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