David Koch’s pick for Republican presidential nomination? Why, Scott Walker of course!

This should surprise absolutely no one… Charles G. and David H. Koch, the influential and big-spending conservative donors, appear to have a favorite in the race for the Republican presidential nomination: Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. On Monday, at a fund-raising event in Manhattan for the New York State Republican…

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Scott Walker’s having a rough couple of days

Yesterday I noted the Wall Street Journal was reporting Gov. Scott Walker may be negotiating with John Doe prosecutors, despite all his claims to be innocent of any wrongdoing. As if that’s not bad enough news for Gov. Walker, he also took a hard shot from Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner Mary…

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Caption this Tommy Thompson/David Koch photo

Caption this photo…

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The Scott Walker hotline, redux

When the story broke last year that Republican Gov. Walker had taken a call from a liberal blogger purporting to be David Koch, many of my fellow Wisconsinites were outraged that our governor – who couldn’t be bothered to take calls from the average, everyday citizens he is supposed to…

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Wisconsin’s grassroots versus Scott Walker’s greenbacks

News came today that Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s recall campaign has raised just over $13 million since January of this year as he prepares to try to retain his office in the gubernatorial recall election. While that number is both staggering and unprecedented, one important point to note is that…

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The Plight of Women in 2012 America

Much has been waged on the war on women recently and I wanted to highlight some more of it and try and bring it full circle. The first story, and as a father of a daughter is the hardest to read, comes from comes from the great NY Time Columnist…

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The Republicans are the Joke

Senator Scott Brown recently gave a speech and drew some laughs… See the republican presidential field was not being laughed with, they were being laughed at. Even their own party knows that how crazy these four stooges are. So that being said, if you want a day filled with comedy,…

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George Washington – Prophet!

It appears that George Washington knew that politicians like Scott Walker would be coming: “The power under the constitution will always be in the people. It is intrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and, whenever it is executed contrary…

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Why Do We Have Super PAC’s?

Because the Billionaires that fund them are too bat shit crazy to ever get elected. Scott Walker(and others) sugar daddy, David Koch once ran for president in 1980 and received a whopping 1% of the vote. Koch was the Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential candidate in the 1980 presidential election, sharing the…

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Today’s Must Read

Comes from Jud @ Uppity Wisconsin: Detailing how Scott Walker met with the Koch brothers secretly last year in Colorado. The swashbuckling 61-year-old was the main attraction in an hour-and-a-half conversation with Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson along with four other governors: New Mexico’s Susana Martinez, South Carolina’s…

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