Curiouser and Curiouser

It appears the race for Chair of the DPW just got very, very interesting. I’ve been told by a reliable source that tomorrow, at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin County Chairs Association meeting in Plover, Martha Laning will announce she’s running for the Chair’s job. Laning ran in the 9th…

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Some thoughts on Jason Rae

Last week I grabbed a cup of coffee and had a chat with Democratic National Committee member Jason Rae, one of a spate of Democrats vying to succeed Mike Tate as Chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. I met with Jason at his request, but rather than sit and…

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Mike McCabe endorses Jeff Smith for DPW Chair

Mike McCabe, former Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and author of the book ” Blue Jeans in High Places ” has endorsed Jeff Smith for Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Here’s what McCabe had to say: “Quite a few people who presumably are card-carrying members of…

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A Profound Disconnect

As noted by long time Blogging Blue commenter CJ McD, Mike Tate wasn’t the only DPW official raising money while rank and file union members were protesting right to work at the Capitol building in Madison. Nation Consulting Senior Associate Jason Rae, a candidate for DPW Chair, held a fundraiser…

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Ten questions from Blogging Blue readers to DPW Chair candidate Jason Rae

A few weeks ago I asked the readers of Blogging Blue what questions they’d ask the candidates vying to replace Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair Mike Tate if they had the opportunity, and the questions you all came up with where whittled down from several dozen to ten. Each of…

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Ten questions from Blogging Blue readers to DPW Chair candidate Joe Wineke

A few weeks ago I asked the readers of Blogging Blue what questions they’d ask the candidates vying to replace Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair Mike Tate if they had the opportunity, and the questions you all came up with where whittled down from several dozen to ten. Each of…

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Ten questions from Blogging Blue readers to DPW Chair candidate Jeff Smith

A few weeks ago I asked the readers of Blogging Blue what questions they’d ask the candidates vying to replace Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair Mike Tate if they had the opportunity, and the questions you all came up with where whittled down from several dozen to ten. Each of…

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Giving Joe A Hand

A couple of weeks ago DPW Chair candidate Joe Wineke sent out a letter of intent to run for the position. The letter went out to county party chairs and other party notables, I assume, and at the very bottom of the letter, in tiny print, was a disclaimer that read:…

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Cliche’ Fest

Mike Tate goes out with a dizzying array of cliche’s. He’s going to ” leave it all on the field ” the next DPW chair has to ” move the ball forward ” he’s not going to be a ” shrinking violet ” he’s going to hold Walker’s ” feet…

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Jeff Smith: The Blogging Blue Interview

After the disastrous results of the 2014 election here in Wisconsin, many Democrats here in Wisconsin have called for Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chairman Mike Tate to step down from his position. Many (including yours truly) have criticized Tate for what’s seen as a lack of success in helping Democrats…

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