Cliche’ Fest

Mike Tate goes out with a dizzying array of cliche’s. He’s going to ” leave it all on the field ” the next DPW chair has to ” move the ball forward ” he’s not going to be a ” shrinking violet ” he’s going to hold Walker’s ” feet to the fire “,  the Chair job has ” a lot of moving parts ” he’s going to see that the DPW continues ” firing on all cylinders ” etc. God almighty, please stop.

But the most dreadful part of the tale is his characterization of the job. It’s like running a multi-million dollar business, Tate says, and the next Chair must see that the DPW is an ” added value ” and ” a service provider. ”  Can you get any more more bloodless with your terms, Mike? Jeeeez.

This must be what happens to your lexicon when you spend all day, every day, begging wealthy people for money.



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