I have written extensively about Verify the Recall. I knew from the beginning that they were going to use the database to intimidate and harass the signers but I had to idea to the extent of it. The recall has been certified, we had almost a million signatures, people want…

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Verify the Recall – Still Working

We have been chronicling "verify the recall"'s results. We have pointed out that their endgame was never ever “integrity of elections” but intimidation of Wisconsin Citizens who signed the recall petitions. Here is another "success" story that Verify the Recall can hang their hats on: The University of Wisconsin System’s…

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Verify The Recall – It’s Working

Verify the recall IS working, just as planned. Are they finding massive fraud like they promised before they even saw one signature? Of course not, there was not any! The question I asked recently is Who is going to Veryify the Verify the Recall? Unfortunately many in the media treated…

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