Michelle Bachmann Presents a Duh Moment!

While ranting on The Fine Print with Jeff Zeleny about the IRS ‘scandal’, Representative Michelle Bachmann presents a duh moment: “Over and over and over, the common thread is the Obama administration was too willing to use the government to advance their agenda, their political agenda,” Bachmann tells The Fine…

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I Rest My Case

I have always said that the one thing that shows how bad the state of politics is in this country, is that people like Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, etc… ACTUALLY think they can be president. Well I rest my case: Thank Goodness we live in a…

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Econ 101

Don\'t take my class, says some of America\'s top Econ Professors to the Republican presidential field. America’s Econ 101 professors say yes. In their view, the candidates continue to offer ideas and policies that wouldn’t pass muster in their classes — populated by 18 year-old college students. “There are so…

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Newt Awakens!

And realizes that he’s surrounded by morons like Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann.

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Nuff Said!

A picture is worth a thousand words!

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Gov. Rick Perry’s Lust for Life

Now we all know that Gov. Perry is pro-life…goes without saying…but during the last Republican debate Rep. Michell Bachmann came out swinging about his attempted mandate for immunizing teen girls against HPV. Gov. Perry defended himself by saying: “At the end of the day, this was about trying to stop…

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Bachmann, Backed by Palin, Launches War Against Women and Children

Oh, I have no problems with people attacking the Hair Candidate, but Michele Bachmann decided to attack Rick Perry during the Republican debate last night on the one issue where Perry took the right course, to require the HPV vaccine for schoolchildren.  The vaccine prevents cancer.  ‘Nuff said.  But Bachmann…

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Republican Debate in 45 Seconds

For those who missed it, here is a slightly edited version of the Republican Presidential Debate.

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Paul Ryan for President and Other Nonsense

It’s surfacing on the Charlie Sykes Show, and promoted in The Weekly Standard, the publication where Bill Kristol promoted Sarah Palin so hard that John McCain fell into the whackjob trap (Kristol has already published love poetry to Paul Ryan and others).  The notion is in its infancy, but it should be rocking Wisconsin…

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Ladies and Gentlemen

Your 2012 Republican Presidential frontrunner Nuff Said

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