DOA Secretary Mike Huebsch: Wisconsin has budget deficits for fiscal years 2012 & 2013

Have you heard those new TV ads Republican Gov. Scott Walker is running touting how he eliminated Wisconsin’s budget deficits? Don’t believe a word Walker says, because Department of Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch has the truth, which is that Wisconsin has projected budget deficits for fiscal years 2012 and 2013….

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Huebsch’s Huff

Mike Huebsch, secretary of the state Department of Administration, recently wrote an op-ed attempting to defend the recent Unconstitutional Capitol access rules. While it was a poor attempt at an explanation there were some important things that he said. Recently, the state Department of Administration released an updated, much more…

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Fiscal Conservatives – Security Edition

Representative Steve Nass (R – Big Government) has taken to bashing the police and the city of Madison once again. The “fiscal conservative” Walker administration and Republican Party of Wisconsin, while making sure to tell us we are broke, have run up more than $8 Million dollars in security costs…

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Democrats gain a seat in State Assembly

The results of yesterday’s three special elections to fill vacant State Assembly seats are in, and with 54% of the vote, Democrat Steve Doyle defeated Republican John Lautz in the 94th Assembly district. Doyle’s win means Democrats gain a seat in the State Assembly, as the 94th district had previously…

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Deschane Deschane Deschane

One of Walker’s favorite families, The Deschane Family, is back in the news. In yesterdays complete fileting of Walker in Washington the brilliant hire of Brian Deschane was brought up. As Dan Bice reported: During today’s testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee , U.S. Rep. Bruce Braley…

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How much will Scott Walker’s cabinet appointments cost Wisconsin taxpayers?

Earlier today Governor-elect Scott Walker named his cabinet appointees, and among the individuals named to cabinet positions within the Walker administration are current State Representatives Mark Gottleib (DOT), Mike Huebsch (DOA), and Scott Gunderson DNR). When asked when special elections to fill the seats vacated by Gottleib, Huebsch, and Gunderson…

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