ALEC, the extreme right wing shadow group, that has been writing legislation for republican officials all over the country, has had a very interesting week. First they have been losing sponsors in a rate not seen, since Rush Limbaugh called all women "sluts". (A current short list of companies that…

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ALEC Goes Mainstream

While we in Wisconsin have known about Alec for a little while now, they have flown under the radar now for quite sometime. No More: today The New York Times exposed them! It is no coincidence that so many state legislatures have spent the last year taking the same destructive…

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More tea party ridiculousness

Tea Partier and Fox entertainment star John Stossel. Stossel was a guest last night on the Factor, where Bill O asked the question “Are some Americans simply too dumb to vote?” Stossel, after a copied jaywalking type segment, came back to advocate for people who disagreed with him not being…

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