The Ron Johnson t-shirt line

A lot has been made about Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson’s rather peculiar views on global warming, whether it’s his comments about sunspots or his assertion that Greenland really was green, as well as Johnson’s statement that communist China has the right ideas on business. So to poke a…

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ROJO strokes again!!!

I figured I had to post this quick, before Reince Priebus tells us what republican senate hopeful Ron Johnson really means. Ron Johnson recently enlightened us that global warming is caused by sunspots. Now he is back with more Wisdom for the kids: “There’s a reason Greenland was called Greenland,”…

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More on Ron Johnson & sunspots

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson has garnered some national attention – albeit not necessarily positive – for his claim that sunspots are the cause of global warming: My favorite has to be the anchor practically bursting into the laughter at the end of the clip. And speaking of Ron…

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Ron Johnson’s explanation for global warming: sunspots!

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson, who’s not a believer in all that man-made global warming mumbo jumbo, has a simple explanation for the extreme weather linked to global warming: sunspots! A global warming skeptic, Johnson said extreme weather phenomena were better explained by sunspots than an overload of carbon…

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