President Trump Bails On American War Heroes.

There are things that we expect our presidents to do regardless of the inconvenience or discomfort they may feel. Attending a memorial and wreath laying at an American War Cemetery in inclement weather is one of those things. Particularly on the centenary of the end of World War I. The…

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Warren Petryk goes AWOL

Ask any GOP legislator what he or she thinks of our veterans and they’ll practically stumble over their feet to rush in your direction with glowing praise. Ask them to do the right thing for veterans by standing up to corporations and, well ………. they’re nowhere in sight. Dem Reps…

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Wisconsin GOP Caps Property Tax Credits For Disabled Veterans

As printed in this morning’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and posted at their website jsonline: The state provides a refundable income tax credit for the property taxes paid on principal dwellings by veterans who are 100% disabled and their surviving spouses. Spouses of veterans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan also receive…

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Hey Vets, What Does Senator Johnson Have Against You?

In the Sunday September 16th edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, in their Sunday feature, CONGRESS Following the Vote, we find this little tidbit: VETERANS (sic) JOBS CORPS Senators on Wednesday voted 84 – 8, to debate a bill launching a Veterans Job Corps at a deficit neutral cost of…

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Was Scott Olson of Occupy Oakland A Police Target?

I’m not a big believer in conspiracy theories, people are usually too disorganized to form active conspiracies.  But it does appear, from this footage, that Olson may have been hit with purpose.  It’s jerky and blury and has all the usual Zapruder caveats attached to it, but you can’t argue…

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Sensenbrenner doesn’t support our veterans

Every Sunday the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel runs the feature: Congress Following the Vote. For those of you who haven’t seen it, the MJS runs a short explanation of the major legislation in Washington from the previous week with a short synopsis of the bill and the voting record of Wisconsin’s…

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Feingold named “Legislator of the Year”

As reported by the Superior Telegram, the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers plans to name U.S. Senator Russ Feingold its “Legislator of the Year” for his contributions to veterans issues. The award ceremony will take place on Sunday, July 11 prior to Sen. Feingold’s Ashland County listening session…

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