South Carolina Republicans do not like their WI counterparts

The Laurens County South Carolina Republican Party requires all candidates to sign a pledge. Here are a few items on the pledge: You must oppose abortion, in any circumstances. You must uphold the right to have guns, all kinds of guns. You must endorse the idea of a balanced state…

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I Endorse

Kathleen Falk for Governor! One year ago today was my first day at the protests. I know that the official anniversary is February 14th, I missed the first day. In the past year we have had many successes and many failures but every day has been a battle. The State…

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John Nichols uplifts audience at ‘Uprising’ book tour in Madison

Even though he’s internationally known, highly respected, and a regular on MSNBC, John Nichols either doesn’t think of himself as famous or he doesn’t focus on it. Despite his accolades and his busy schedule,  Nichols makes time to talk to everybody, and not just superficially. It wouldn’t be a stretch…

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Paul Ryan’s Photo Op

H/T Democrumudgeon! Speaking of things that need to be shared, this definitely qualifies! Paul Ryan (R – Wall St.) had his 42nd birthday and his many admirers at Fox “news” could not let the occasion go by without letting the congressman ( who used to live in Janesville) know how…

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Reince – Wisconsin’s Finest?

RNC chair Reine Priebus, who turned on his friend Michael Steele to get the job, has done it again. First a little backstory. Reince Priebus, was a former WI rnc head and Michael Best & Friederich lawyer, has an interesting resume. Priebus has a history of not telling the truth,…

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Kathleen Falk

Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk is “technically” the first to enter the race to replace Scott Walker as Governor of Wisconsin(Tim Cullen is supposedly also running). Here is her introduction to the race. I really like Kathleen Falk and think she would do a great job. If you took…

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Mahlon Mitchell to speak at Drinking Liberally Waukesha on March 5th

I have a tremendous amount of respect for Mahlon Mitchell, and not just because he’s a firefighter, the head of Wisconsin’s firefighters association, and a leader who has fought like hell against Walker’s decimation of collective bargaining rights. I’ve had the opportunity to speak with Mitchell a few times over…

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Dear Shirl LaBarre;

Barbara With, a resident from Northern WI wrote this letter to Shril LaBarre. LaBarre is a republican party activist and Sean Duffy apologist, has been actively and loudly trying to get the Gogebic Taconite mine fast tracked, consequences be dammed. Here is Ms. WIth’s letter in its entirety(emphasis mine): Dear…

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“Let Them Buy Cake ” Colbert

Colbert gave Wisconsin some love, and called Scott Walker TCBY employee of the month while he was at it! The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive

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This is the Barack Obama that campaigned in Wisconsin and that I proudly voted for. H/T Think Progress: Now, just as there was in Teddy Roosevelt’s time, there’s been a certain crowd in Washington for the last few decades who respond to this economic challenge with the same old tune….

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