Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

A tribute to the 29 men who died November 10, 1975, aboard the Edmund Fitzgerald in Lake Superior.

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Lee Camp

Still time still time to show your support to those who support us and give to the \"get Lee Camp to WI\" fund. Here are a couple of Moment of Clarity’s that focus on Wisconsin. Anyone that can show Glenn Grothman for the ridiculous person he is deserves our support!…

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Wississippi Might be too Generous

The latest “special jobs session” where the Governor promised a “laser focus on jobs” which ended last night produced a total of 0.0 bills pertaining to jobs. Instead they took up such important bills as these: * Students Test Scores can now be used to fire and discipline teachers. *…

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A discussion question on workers wages

A situation came up at a friend’s church. The pastor recently asked for a fairly minimal raise. He has not had an increase in pay for two years. Everyone needs to live, including clergy, and if you ever want to recruit new people to the position(what church is not short…

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November 1st, starts a new chapter in Wisconsin’s History as the new concealed carry law goes into effect. While some think this is a simple matter of the second amendment – except that is not true. Others explain it away for such things as protection, everyone else has it, now…

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Bring Lee Camp to Wisconsin

Help bring friend of BloggingBlue, Comedian Lee Camp to Wisconsin. It is a different era in entertainment and Lee is not looking to sell out a coliseum or become a millionaire(well we all want to become millionaire’s). Lee needs to make it financially feasible to come to ground zero and…

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Walker and Kleefisch Break Another Promise

Both Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch made the same pledge to pay for their own pensions and, of course, they didn’t pay as promised.

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1 Day On – 29 Off!

In February, the republicans in Wisconsin were pushing a draconian “budget repair” bill through the legislature while cutting off public debate. The 14 Democratic Senators then went to Illinois to avoid a quorum allowing the public to see how bad the Budget repair bill actually was. Boy did that the…

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WE are the Democracy – a new project that could use some beta testers

From my email inbox comes news of a new project that could use some beta testers. WE the People are rising up all over America… ultimately our goal should be a massive new PEOPLE’s Movement. One which rivals the Civil Rights Movement in size, scope, purpose and spirit. We must…

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Today the whole world is watching Wisconsin

Let’s make history today! If you live in one of the 6 senate recall districts, PLEASE vote today!

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