Rebecca’s Reality…

The current batch of “tea partiers”, republicans, free marketers, conservatives, (or whatever you want to call them), had their ideal world vision put to action recently. Rebecca \"health care for me and not for thee\" Kleefisch and Ron \"the greatest assault on our freedom in my lifetime\" Johnson and the recent health care town halls protesters, would be proud of a pharmacist refused inhaler to woman having asthma attack… because she was $1.50 short!

Mr Brown said: ‘I had exactly a $20 bill. It came to $21 and some change. I offered him [the pharmacist] my cell phone, my wallet. I said I live right around the corner. I come in here all the time.

‘I said “Can you just give her the pump. She’s on the floor wheezing’. I didn’t know if an ambulance would get here on time. He said there was nothing he could do for me.’

The real world consequences of the right wing ideology at work. If you think Katherine O’Conner should of suffered and died because she was a dollar short then run to the voting booth and vote Republican. if you think this is inexcusable, than we need to hold the Kleefischs and Johnsons accountable and that starts by giving them a resounding defeat on November 2nd.

sly also has his take on it at slys office.


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22 thoughts on “Rebecca’s Reality…

  1. I’m sorry but this is ridiculous. You sound like Alan Grayson. Ya, GOP and TEA Party people, we are evil and just want people to die. We are all selfish, greedy jerks with no heart. STOP already!

    We are against European style socialized medicine. There are other ways to fix HC than the mega monster bill that was passed. We agree that something needs to be done, but not on how or what. Remember higher taxes, equals bigger government, equals less choices for you to make. If you want the government spending more and more of what you earn, I will never understand it!

    1. Many European countries have socialized health care in the form of single payer health care. The bill passed by Democrats here in the United States does not implement single payer health care.

      1. No, it’s not single payer YET, but it’s the pathway to get there. Obama himself is on tape stating this is what he wants for us.

  2. *Obama’s health insurance reform is not even remotely like any country in Europe.

    * Many countries in Europe do not have a socialistic healthcare plan.

    * A reform of the health care system, getting “for profit” health care out of the system will save the taxpayers billions.

    * The “death panels” that the republicans like to lie about are already in existence, they are just run by the insurance companies at the moment. The only way they make profit is by not covering people.

    *if they agreed that something needed to be done, where were they the last 8 years?

    1. What do you mean get rid of “for profit” out of healthcare??? Why would anyone go to school for 8 years to become a doctor if they are not going to make money? Maybe I misunderstood you. Are you referring to insurance companies? Hmmm, I thought the purpose of business was to turn a profit, but silly me, what do I know? Let’s just let the government run everything and then we don’t have to worry about that pesky economy.

      Ok sorry, I’m tired and I shouldn’t be so snarky. It’s partly not understanding the liberal mentality because we are so starkly different in some areas…

      1. huh, lets look at some healthcare facts. Right now in America we currently have the only “for-profit” insurance system in the world. yes that means the insurance companies. No one will deny doctors deserve a very good wage. The purpose of some businesses is to turn a profit but not all. Public utilities are not out to turn profits, nor are police, fire, etc…
        Currently 20-35% of every dollar we pay in health care goes to administrative costs, mostly salaries and marketing etc… Look at United Healthcare for instance. They have over 100 employees making over a million dollars a year. Their current CEO made $477 million in his first five years, and the previous CEO Dollar Bill Mcguire made $1.7 BILLION (yes Billion) for ten years. They dont make that money by paying out.

        In Germany for instance, they use private(not for profit) insurance from cradle to grave and never use Medicaid. The difference there is the overhead costs in Germany are approx 5.5%. In Switzerland the overhead costs are about 5% for their private (not for profit) insurance. No where else in the world are these companies allowed to run on a profit.

        Again no one is advocating that the Government run “everything” that is as silly as saying the government cant run “anything”.

  3. I honestly wouldn’t mind the Republicans so much if it wasn’t the worst of the worst to choose from in Wisconsin.

    I mean, I don’t want to cut people down but there’s about only two decent Republican to choose from in the lot of this and that’s Tom Petri of the 6th District and Chad Lee of the 2nd District.

    The rest have been shown to be untrustworthy, (Walker, Kapanke, Ribble, Van Hollen, Sensenbrenner. ) incompetent, (Ryan, Walker. ) cowardly, (Kleefisch. ) no organized plan, ( Walker, Duffy, Johnson. ), Just taking up space, (Sensenbrenner.) and/or not very smart. ( Kleefisch, Duffy, and Johnson. I honestly think they don’t have a high reading comprehension, at all. Johnson however can do math decently but I don’t think he can read very well. )

    Many can cut Tom Petri all they want, but he has done his district some good for those who lived in that area which is more to say than say Paul Ryan who has made the ‘Road Map’ when he has done nothing to implement that in the district he represents. If he had such a roadmap, he would have done it on his district and instead of having it one of the most impoverish and highest unemployment rates in the state? If he had a road map, he would do it on his District first, show the success, and then maybe that could impress me. I’m an Independent, so keep this in mind.

    Chad Lee also genuinely seems like a nice guy too. But honestly I think Republicans should be responsible, see how incapable theses candidates are, the flaws, then organize to find someone else who is more suited. I know I’m not a fan of Ron Kind or Gwen Moore, but they are a lot better than what is going up against them. I’m not sure about Sebring, so please inform me a bit about him but the point is? We got incompetent/untrustworthy people who are trying to get into power.

    Give me someone who will impress me. Until then, I’m voting all Democrat.

    1. And I will say that Barrett can’t run a state, much less Milwaukee (read the latest stats?) and is a continuation of Doyle. Feingold is another big time Lib. The GOP is going to garners wins like you have never seen, because America in general is not as far left as this administration.

      Independent voters are aghast at what has been shoved down our throats and wish they could take back their vote for Obama. Poor Robert Gibbs is saying that the midterms are local and that could not be farther from the truth. People are voting in two weeks to solidly reject the policies of Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi!

      1. >>Implying Independents won’t vote anything other than the conservative candidates and are just sick of partisan tactics.

        Doyle and Barrett have completely different policies, I think if Barrett was elected instead of Doyle back then we wouldn’t be in the mess. Barrett has an extremely impressive record, compared to Scott Walker and did fairly well even with the terrible recession we had. Comparing Doyle to Barrett is is comparing Mark Neumann to Scott Walker. Both have different policies and honestly, while I believe Mark Neumann was also a bad choice, at least he had a plan compared to Scott Walker who dodges every opportunity to answer anything in concise details.

        Before you bring up the Milwaukee sewage problem, it’s not just a magical thing that just Milwaukee spilled it all into Lake Michigan, it was Milwaukee County. This includes Milwaukee itself, South Milwaukee, and other surrounding areas. Barrett and Walker were both responsible for this, Barrett stayed behind, helped demand FEMA Aid, and kept demanding it while Walker stayed on the campaign trail. Heck, even the GOP can’t make up it’s mind whether Tom Barrett stole jobs from other places or if he created less jobs.

        If I lived in Tom Petri’s District, I might vote for him, but unfortunately? 8th District.

        1. … Yeah I wish there was a preview button.

          What I meant to write was

          >>Implying Independents won’t vote anything other than the conservative candidates. And they’re not are just sick of partisan tactics due to having one thing exclusive to one party.

      1. He just strikes me as a generic democrat, I also think he just sort of stamps things too because other democrats do it. Democrats despite certain beliefs, are not always in the right of things, and sometimes they pass some really stupid things. That’s pretty much my criticism of it. Wisconsin has a history of individualism, so this is partially why I was somewhat disappointed that he seems to get behind with everyone else most of the time.

        I’m sure he’s a nice guy, I never personally met him because I’m from the northeastern portion of the state but some of his choices make me cringe.

        1. Thanks for the answer
          Nice guy? I don’t want to meet him but anyone I know who has met him says he’s kinda full of himself, acts just like what you’d expect an ex-football jock who then won major office to act like. To be specific, I’ve heard more than 3 people (who pretend to like him when he’s around) refer to him as a douchebag.
          Lulz 😉

  4. What a retarded story! To say this is somehow the fault of conservatives is just as asinine as anything I have ever seen. Conservatives had nothing to do wit it the pharmacy did. Please name one conservative who said they are pleased by what this dummy did. My god this blog is as bad as standing in line at the checkout and looking at the stories on the rags there, only difference the rags are legitimate.

    1. As to how Proud P, deduced that this would be a conservative-sponsored philosophy I suppose it’s a nod to the house burning story.

      And the the way y’all tout the Rand philosophy of absolute non-charity.

      And the way republicans mock people who are enduring unemployment as being “on welfare” and “parasites” and obviously would cut them off from unemployment if they were able.

      Probably because of the way RoJo feels we are all needing re-education from the dependency we enjoy while clamped to the teats of the Government Cow

      And probably also due to “compassionate conservatism” like the type that Bush showed, both to the poor in New Orleans and in his veto of the Children s’ health-care provisions see link.

      Kids. Lousy little bastards, of course they can’t have doctors because their parents are poor, lazy parasitic slobs. Let ’em die. No problem. Decrease the surplus population. eh, Scrooge?

      Or maybe the way limbless and traumatized soldiers have languished among mold and other abominations at Walter Reed.and the way Viet Nam vets suffered both with Agent Orange and the steadfast denial that their suffering was real.

      I’m sure there are countless other really concrete examples of how conservatives have applauded, directly or indirectly, exactly this kind of behavior. This IS you.
      We could go on all day with examples.

      The denial of the extent of the damage by BP.
      on and on and goddam on. No one has the time to list all the times and ways that Republicans have worked for exactly the kind of society depicted in the post above.

      and w00t! “My god this blog is as bad as standing in line at the checkout and looking at the stories on the rags there, only difference the rags are legitimate.”

      That’s just hysterical. Can you put that as a signature under every comment you make here on every post, day in and day out?
      Hells Bells, you’re here more than Zach is.

  5. One more thought if she is having these attacks daily why would she leave home without her inhaler…oh I know that was the republicnas fault also, we dont dare make people responsible for their own actions HOW EVIL!

  6. Nota….I never said this is the fault of “conservatives”. I also distinguish between “conservatives” and republicans. I do not see many “conservatives” within the republican party, especially the elected officials. That being said, I am not blaming a single person persay, I am blaming an ideology. This is what I believe ROJO would call health care freedom. If you can pay you live if you cant you die, its the free market.

    As for why didn’t she have it? who cares? so we teach her a lesson by letting her die sucking for air on the floor of a cvs? that will send her a message.

    1. Again I ask was that the fault of a conservative ideology or was that the fault of a single person at a store? You ‘believe’ that is what Mr Johnson would say, so now we can all start posting what we ‘believe’ candidates are thinking, wonderful I do believe that Russ would call abortion a selective birthing option. Wow this is much easier.

      1. so now we can all start posting what we ‘believe’ candidates are thinking, wonderful I do believe that Russ would call abortion a selective birthing option. Wow this is much easier.

        Posting what he thinks candidates believe, making up their positions on this constitutes about 50% of PP’s posts lately.

        Every time I read it, I want to respond in-kind…just make up stuff about people to prove a point. But I just can’t do it – can’t post something that is illogical as if it’s true.

  7. Since Ron Johnson called the health insurance reform (and I quote)” the single greatest assault on our freedoms in my lifetime”, I do not think its a stretch to call this his healthcare ideology in practice. If you pay you get it if you dont you dont. That is why Grayson so upset the republicans, because he figured their healthcare plan out and called them out on it.

  8. According to the logic behind this post then, as I have always asserted, Kathleen Vinehout is also a Republican. More importantly a big fat stooge for the Pope. I will not say “inspired by the Pope” or any more polite thing because see ran as a Democrat, falsely claimed to Planned Parenthood and others that she was Pro-Choice in order to get endorsements, when actually she is not pro-choice and does not support the Planned parenthood organization’s goals. She fucked them over big-time for their “Liberal” endorsement.
    That is truth. That IS what happened.

    If she (or anyone) wants to run as a Pro-life Democrat (and I believe we have a state chapter of that group) and if they win honestly, then fine. I know “Dirty Libs” who are personally also pro-life. Somewhat undercover but it happens more than we’d think.

    After winning Vinehout killed a Bill and totally undercut her Democratic colleagues in a flamboyant and ridiculous manner on an issue like this. She doggedly supported a Pharmacist’s right to refuse to dispense contraceptives to women who do NOT share their own faith. To allow these Business persons who have taken an oath of medical whatever-it-is to be able to (like practitioners of Sharia Law, or the “you can’t draw Mohamed” crowd) force their personal religious laws on other people.

    *****Getting between the patient and their doctor*****
    OMFG! where have we heard that as an ultimate scene of horror before??? Oh! I know! The Cons think that is unfair, it’s no good! not right at all….unless they are the ones doing it.
    Then it’s okay
    So “Obamacare” is evil! because it’s a Gateway Drug on the Slippery Slope to The Government getting between a Doctor and Patient, BUT before that all transpires some day in the future, your own religious leaders CAN interfere between people of OTHER FAITHS and their Doctors, because…they’re just less holy than you. They have a lesser understanding of morals so it is okay to foist your own upon them.

    But anyways, Erpenbach about hemorrhaged as the entire Republican crew sat smirking and barely able to not laugh outloud as Kathleen did their dirty work for them. Whoever that Carol from Oshbkosh I think it was, omg she almost peeed herself watching Kathleen.
    So it’s retarded that all these Party resources are used to keep Kathleen the Health-care Denier (who ironically still campaigns as a Healthcare champion) in office representing the Sleepy North.

    There’s piles of pro-life people up here, piles. She could have run an honest campaign (but prob’ly not won w/o the student vote) and not sabotaged the hard work of her own colleagues who apparently had NO CLUE where her loyalties lie.
    No reproductive right supporter should forgive that stunt. The video is probably no longer available, but it was a doozy of a meeting.

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