Meet Rob Zerban

Meet Rob Zerban, a County Supervisor from Kenosha who has set his sights on Paul Ryan’s seat in the House of Representatives: Unlike the retreads and also-rans Democrats have run against Rep. Ryan in the past few election cycles, Zerban is a formidable opponent for Rep. Ryan. Zerban is an…

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Scott Walker flip-flops on local control

During the debate over Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s anti-union “budget repair” bill that removes virtually all collective bargaining rights for public employees, Gov. Walker said his anti-union proposal would give local governments the flexibility and control they needed to rein in public employee pay and benefit costs. Apparently Gov. Walker’s…

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Reason #1 why we need competitive districts…

This is that we redistrict our legislative districts in Wisconsin. Representative Steve Nass is at it again. H/T to Democurmudgeon! Rep. Nass-TY recently introduced introduced legislation to bring back racist sports team names and logos. Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, has drafted legislation to repeal the law, which allows any school…

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Scott Walker: not concerned about public safety when prosecutors are involved

…and here’s the proof. [Chisholm] said he believes the assistants will recoup their pay either through arbitration or court action later because he, like other district attorneys, thinks the Department of Administration is about to engage in a blatant contract violation. “They cannot give a legal basis for what they’re…

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Rep. Paul Ryan loves unions….when they’re making money for his family!

It’s safe to say Republican Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-1) is no friend of organized labor, but Suzy Khimm of Mother Jones notes one glaring exception to Rep. Ryan’s opposition to labor unions: [A] closer look at Ryan’s voting record reveals a single eyebrow-raising exception when it comes to labor unions:…

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Sandy Pasch to oppose Alberta Darling

It looks Republican State Senator Alberta Darling has an opponent, as Democratic State Rep. Sandy Pasch has announced she’ll oppose Darling in the recall election in the 8th State Senate district. “One of the main reasons I’m running in this recall election is because of the huge cuts and hits…

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