Is it just me…

…or has anyone else noticed how fond some folks in the right-wing blogosphere are of moderating their comments? I mean, to each their own, but it’s funny to me to see so many folks on the right resort to moderating their comments in order to screen what gets said. It seems like all the cool kids are doing it…Jessica McBride‘s doing it, as are Fred Dooley, Kevin Fischer, and the folks over at Badger Blogger.

I suppose these folks moderate comments just in case one of us libs makes a point that they have no rational response to, which certainly seems to be the case with Mr. Fischer, who’s shown a serious proclivity towards removing posts of mine on his blog. Like I said, to each his (or her) own, but like my momma always said, “if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”


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7 thoughts on “Is it just me…

  1. OK, I’m open to experimenting – I’ll turn off moderating at Right Side of Wisconsin. My experience in the past is that the left is about the politics of personal destruction and that there’s no civility or respect in comments that are made to conservative blogs. Case in point; the way the liberal cheddarsphere treats Jessica McBride by calling her Jessica McB!#@$ or using the ‘c’ word in conjunction with her…

    Just don’t confuse rudeness with ‘heat’!

  2. Todd, I certainly can see your point of view, but the conservative cheddarsphere isn’t exactly innocent of some of the same kind of behavior that you’re alleging we liberals are so fond of. It cuts both ways…

  3. Todd,

    It would be very easy to come up with any number of examples of conservative postings/commnents that would make those two comments seem like compliments. Give it a chance. You may be pleasantly surprised.

  4. Fred, I stand corrected. I apologize for confusing your censo…moderation of commenters with moderation of comments.

    That’s my bad, and I apologize.

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