Is Palin Unpatriotic?

Is Alaska Governor Sarah Palin unpatriotic?

I think given how Republicans love to question the patriotism of their opponents, such as the contrived lapel flag pin “controversy,” it’s a fair question, especially given Sarah Palin’s documented history of support for the Alaskan Independence Party, which has as one of its goals, “to achieve independence under a minimal government, fully responsive to the people, promoting a peaceful and lawful means of resolving differences.” In other words, the Alaskan Independence Party wants to promote Alaska seceding from the United States and becoming a sovereign nation.

Now call me crazy, but it seems mighty unpatriotic to support a party that wants to work towards sovereignty for one of our fifty states. Here’s a little video of Gov. Palin speaking to the 2008 AIP convention. Palin has denied attending any other AIP conventions, but there’s evidence she attended in 1994 and 2002. Additionally, Gov. Palin’s husband Todd was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party:

Now before any of my less liberal readers pitch a fit about me calling into question Palin’s patriotism, let’s just put the shoe on the other foot. Let’s just say, for argument’s sake, that Sen. Barack Obama was twice in attendance at the convention for the Revolutionary Communist Party or another fringe political party. Wouldn’t that be a cause for concern for you?

Wouldn’t you call into question Obama’s judgment?

Wouldn’t you criticize and attack him?

Be honest; you know you would.

H/T to capper over at Cognitive Dissidence.


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6 thoughts on “Is Palin Unpatriotic?

  1. Steve Steve Steve.

    You need to learn some reading comprehension. Not once did I ever say Gov. Palin was a member of AIP; I simply said she has a history of supporting the AIP. Re-read what I wrote.

    Oh, and should I expect an answer to my questions Steve?

  2. No she is not!!!!!!!
    Yes I do question Obama’s judgement.
    No I would not attack him, but I would and have pointed things like that out.

    You are drawing conclusions based on not exactly facts, but you already knew that!

  3. So Palin’s not unpatriotic for speaking at the convention of a group that has a stated goal of Alaskan independence from the United States? Don’t you question her judgment, Steve?

    And what about the video of one of the AIP’s leaders talking about how Palin was a member? Isn’t that pretty strong evidence, considering the source?

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