Nostradamus he’s not!

Apparently, Mark Belling seems to think he’s a savvy political prognosticator. In an opinion piece Belling wrote at GM Today Belling predicts Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker will be a force to be reckoned with once the 2010 gubernatorial election rolls around:

Walker’s fiscal responsibility message will be especially powerful in 2010 if, as expected, the Democrats deal with a massive state budget deficit by passing monster tax hikes. He is a political nightmare for the Democrats.

Interestingly enough, back in 2005 Belling predicted Walker would crush Mark Green in the GOP gubernatorial primary in 2006, a prediction which never came close to coming true. As Xoff points out over at Uppity Wisconsin, Belling also predicted Russ Darrow would be the Republican Party’s nominee for the U.S. Senate race against Russ Feingold, and we all know how that turned out. Belling’s no Nostradamus, and instead of trying to play political prognosticator, he should stick to something he’s good at – like hurling racial epithets from the safety and comfort of the WISN studios.

Xoff has more here and here.


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