No experience necessary?

To say Cory Liebmann of Eye On Wisconsin has done a yeoman’s job of covering Rose Fernandez’s campaign for DPI Superintendent would be an understatement. Day after day, Cory has highlighted how unprepared and unqualified Rose Fernandez is to serve as DPI Superintendent, and today is no exception. As Cory notes in his latest blog entry Fernandez has ZERO experience in the area of education, and what’s worse, she’s proven to be a lackluster manager in the two situations where she does have managerial experience.

As the former leader of the Wisconsin Coalition for Virtual School Families, Fernandez allowed that organization to become noncompliant with Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) registration requirements:

The record shows that the virtual schools organization first registered with DFI in 2005 and promptly is marked as “delinquent” as soon as 2007. That “delinquent” status appears to have continued all the way until earlier this year. The only thing that DFI needed the Fernandez-led organization to do is simply provide an annual report and pay a fee. Apparently that was too hard to manage.

What’s more, Fernandez has had problems keeping a small business she and her husband operate in good standing with the Wisconsin DFI as well:

Rose Fernandez and her husband also operate a small business, which is organized as a Limited Liability Company. As such it is also required to file annual reports with the DFI. Yet again, a look at the status of this small business contributes to what appears to be a common trend for Fernandez. The DFI website shows that their business, Roll n Rack LLC, was first recorded in 2003. Once again, we find that Rose Fernandez business has had a “delinquent” status with DFI since 2008.

If this is the kind of managerial expertise Wisconsin’s voters can expect out of Rose Fernandez if she’s elected DPI Superintendent, then it’s clear Wisconsin’s voters should choose someone with more experience and expertise.

H/T to Cory Liebmann.


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