Abortions down in Wisconsin

The number of abortions performed in Wisconsin dropped slightly last year to its lowest level since the state began keeping records three decades ago, according to a report released by the state yesterday. According to the report, the state Department of Health Services study found that 8,229 abortions were performed in Wisconsin last year, down from 8,267 in 2007. It’s worth noting the number of abortions performed in Wisconsin has now fallen for five straight years since 10,557 abortions were reported in 2003. The 2008 number also was the lowest since Wisconsin started tracking abortions in 1974. It seems illogical that the number of abortions performed in Wisconsin has actually decreased during the tenure of a Democratic governor, but curiously enough, the number of abortions performed in the United States actually declined during the presidency of Democrat Bill Clinton, as shown below:

Abortion Rate

(Source link for the chart above)

So what does it all mean? How is it that the number of abortions in Wisconsin has actually decreased during Gov. Jim Doyle’s time in office?


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2 thoughts on “Abortions down in Wisconsin

  1. I would guess that since one party sees access to contraception as vital to not only stopping unwanted pregnancies, but to abortions as well. That party would be the democrats. The other party? Apparently God says no, so they follow.

    1. MC, it’s also worth noting Republicans typically tend to support “abstinence only” programs, which haven’t really been proven to reduce sexual activity or pregnancies among younger people.

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