Someone oughta tell Dave Westlake there’s a disconnect

Listen closely to this video:

Did you hear it? At about 10 or 11 seconds into the video, the woman says, “I am Dave Westlake because I want what’s best for my community, my state, my country….what’s best for everybody.”

Take a moment to let that sink in….Dave Westlake wants what’s best for everybody.

I’m not sure about Dave Westlake’s definition of everybody, but I’m betting his “everybody” doesn’t include anyone whose political beliefs fall on the left side of the spectrum, given the fact that he attacked Terrence Wall, his primary opponent, for having made campaign contributions to Rep. Tammy Baldwin and Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, both of whom are Democrats. In attacking Wall for donating to Democrats, Wall noted, “You’ve got to choose one thing. Are you going to be a person of principle or go with the political winds?”

Clearly someone needs to tell Dave Westlake that the scripted dialogue in his propaganda videos ought to match the rhetoric coming out of his mouth, because there’s clearly a disconnect between the two.


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6 thoughts on “Someone oughta tell Dave Westlake there’s a disconnect

  1. I’m not sure that I see the connection between wanting what’s best for everybody and criticizing his opponent. You don’t think it is appropriate to questions one’s sincerity and authenticity when he has contributed to Democrats while running in a Republican primary?

    On the other hand, the fact that he has contributed to Baldwin and Falk blows Feingold’s statement out of the water (Feingold, who calls Westlake and Wall “hard-right ideologues.”)

    It’s fine for you to make the criticism, just not following the logic of your connection to his statement about wanting what’s best for everyone.

  2. The lady in this video is me.

    I will take your bet. I am sure that Dave does want what is best for everyone no matter their political views. Doesn’t Feingold claim that he wants whats best for us? The difference is that Dave will listen to the people. Instead of pushing through personal agendas.

    1. Dave Westlake wants what he thinks is best for the folks who share his ideology. The rest of us? Well, we’re outta luck.

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