12 thoughts on “Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid – Teabaggers on the MA Miracle

  1. If Massaschusetts votes for this party of NO candidate not only will Massachusetts citizens be the biggest idiots it will be a disgrace to this nation. Why would they want to vote for a senator who is anti Obama and anti Democrat even acknowledging he would gladly kill the health care bill, which actually the majority of Americans WANT THIS. He is your typical teabagger Republican, doeshn’t want change, doesn’t like Obama as a president and as a person. And people think Harry Reid is a racist!

    1. No Cudahyresident, the biggest idiots are the ones that don’t change the status quo. Look at Milwaukee and how it has digressed – all under liberals who have run this town into the ground. Don’t even shovel the one-sided crap of Republicants because Democrats have been running things in the common council, state legislature and the officials sent to Washington for decades.

      Change is people waking up that 46 years of the same BS needs to go – and the people of Massachusetts have realized this. Too bad people in this city are too mindless, like cattle going into the slaughter house to vote for the same change. Or perhaps it’s because they’re too yellow to do it. They all listen to the union they pump money into because they can’t think for themselves. You want to see change – don’t vote for these welfare mamas like Lena Taylor and Gwen Moore. All they know is Welfare and how to make people dependent on it – no different than pushing drugs. Hell I challenge anyone on this board to vote for an independent or conservative for one term to see what change is about. Even in Philly we had the same situation. Conservatives began taking parts of the city council that were thought to be untouchable and now property taxes are coming down and the schools are improving. That is positive change for the future. Something this city seems to have no clue about.

      And please don’t go there with the train wreck of the prior administration. If Clinton didn’t repeal Glass-Stegall Act, the banking industry would not have shuttered like it did – and as a 20 year veteran of the banking industry, I like to see what bull you’re going to throw at me to challenge that. Bush was an idiot, and well, still is. But the fact is things happen not because of a policy change overnight, but because the wheels were set in motion years prior.

  2. The people of Massachusetts have been idiots for 40 years for voting for A womanizing murderer.For the people of Massachusetts,Scott Brown is hope and change.They hope to stop the corrupt train wreck the majority of the people don’t want.Harry Reid is not racist,he’s just A fool that unintentionally called dark skined people unqualified.

  3. Obama is not a corrupt train wreck, the former administration is the train wreck, Obama is just trying to clean up that mess, and it’s going to take alot longer to clean up if these NOpublicans stand in his way. Unfortunately American people have the attention span and the IQ of a Q-Tip, they want things done right here right now, they don’t understand that “change” takes time to fix and straighten out. Nothing happens overnight, people haven’t given this president a chance, right from the get go people started to hate him. I mean those, tea bagger, Glenn Beck & Limbaugh worshippers, the typical Republicans, those are the people that should serve in the government and they do not support or represent the majority of America!

    1. How exactly is Obama straightening the economy? Is another stimulus package in the work. The fact is Obama is too preoccupied with health care and is not addressing the economy now. Unemployment is now over 10% now and underemployment is 17%.

      Thus, it is no wonder that 25% of democrats and two thirds of independents are supporting Brown in Massachusetts.

  4. Does anyone find it hilarious that after a year (January 20th) the Obama administration is compared to a tyrianical government whose empire can be traced back to the 1500s? God bless home schooling!

  5. AHH, the smell of napalm in the morning! The battle of good vs evil. It all begins in Massachusetts!
    We must all save ourselves from dramatic overtones and musical crescendos!Bring on the chanting!
    The Apocalypse is at hand and we must choose sides!

    (Ah,nuts. We live in Wisconsin and the day after the election our world remains unchanged while Massachusetts suffers from this eternal drama. The fate of the world, good vs evil, and the demise of the Democratic political party is overemphasized. We in Wisconsin must still eat our annual quota of dairy products to defeat the contented cows from California with the world’s best Wisconsin cheese.)

    “All politics is local”- Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill. We should remember that.

    p.s.Where were the Blackhawk helicopters in the video? I missed them.

  6. I’ve heard the argument that a Republican victory in Massachusetts will prove that Russ Feingold is vulnerable here in Wisconsin, but ultimately, I’m not buying it. The Democrats in MA had a lackluster candidate in Martha Coakley, while here in Wisconsin we’ve got a good incumbent.

    1. But on any given election day WI could swing red or blue. MA has been predictably blue forever. Stark difference there Zachary. And it was once held by “the liberal lion”. And Slobberin’ Bawney has a seat there.

      Nice try on downplaying this earthquake into a splash. So predictable.

      1. The stark difference between MA and WI is the fact that MA lacked a strong Democratic candidate. Sure, Wisconsin isn’t as “blue” as Massachusetts, but Wisconsin’s moved farther and farther from being a swing state with each election cycle. Let’s also not forget Russ Feingold has won in years that were hardly favorable to Democrats in the past (2004), so I’m not sure we should count him out just yet. Oh, and for all the talking the tea party folks are doing about voting Feingold out of office, they sure aren’t putting their money where their mouths are, as evidenced by the lackluster fundraising from both of Feingold’s Republican opponents.

        I’ll believe this is an “earthquake” when Republicans retake the House and the Senate in November, Matt.

    2. I don’t know that we have a good incumbent, given the political environment good incumbents (in either party) may not exist. I do know, however, that we have a weak challenger.

      1. I think Sen. Feingold’s about as strong an incumbent as could be, given the anti-incumbent climate right now. That said, you’re absolutely right that his two challengers are pretty weak.

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