GOP – Highway Hypocrites

GOP Hypocrisy

Not only are they hypocrites, but they tell lies about the facts, when claiming that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the stimulus) did not create any jobs.

Au Contraire, mon amie (I know how much they love French!), the non-partisan CBO (Congressional Budget Office) has announced that as a result of the stimulus bill up to 2.1 million jobs were created according to the Washington Post.  For the policy wonks out there, here’s a link to the actual report.

In a further sign of total and absolute hypocrisy – 6 GOP Senators who voted to filibuster the modest jobs bill passed earlier this week have now changed their vote to yea on the bill that was passed over their obstructionism.  The six Senators now voting yea were Lamar Alexander (TN), Thad Cochran (MS), James Inhofe (OK), George LeMieux (FL), Lisa Murkowski (AK) and Roger Wicker (MS).

Have they no shame, no moral values, no belief system?


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2 thoughts on “GOP – Highway Hypocrites

  1. How many of those supposed 2.1 million jobs will last after the stiumlus money runs out? Or is that justification for Stimulus the Sequel?

  2. Bonus points for including the actual report. I’ve seen some horrendous “factual” articles (a series of Reuters ones particularly bad) that call to question the reporters ability to parse the English language. As far as that goes, the linked WaPo one was decent. The Reuters articles (and the text of this post) don’t even bother to mention that the estimate is for a fairly wide range of jobs and simply list the top of the range as fact. Still trying to wrap my head around the math:

    X > 1 million
    X < 2.1 million
    Therefor, X = 2.1 million ???

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