Moore forms PAC

From an email I got on Monday, it appears Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore is forming her very own Political Action Committee, modestly entitled GWENPAC:

Dear Zachary,

As Congresswoman Moore works to fight for the ideals, initiatives, and values she believes in, she needs help. This help can come in the form of her colleagues and in the form of new members who believe in the same things she believes and will help support the initiatives and programs she seeks to bring about. This is why the Congresswoman has taken the bold step in forming a leadership political action committee (PAC). A leadership PAC is a conduit by which candidates raise money and then give it to other candidates.

As a member of the Financial Services Committee and the Committee on the Budget it is imperative that Congresswoman Moore has the ability to help her colleagues and to bring new colleagues to the table/to the caucus that share the same beliefs and ideals that she does.

The Congresswoman’s PAC is called Giving Willingly Empowering Nationally (GWEN) PAC and was formed because she saw a need to empower minority, women, and progressive candidates to run for office and to help give them the financial support to win. Her goal is to help other members and other candidates that believe in the same ideals as she does, including but not limited to fair and equal pay for women, keeping a woman’s right to choose, and breaking any and all glass ceilings that exist for minorities and women.

To that end, Congressman Moore will be hosting a Karaoke Night in support of GWEN PAC as an inaugural event. Will you join the Congresswoman and come sing for the change we believe in, the change we need, and the change we want?

The Karaoke night will be held at:

Banana Café
500 8th Street, SE,
Washington, DC 20003

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
6:30pm to 8:30pm

Please Makes Checks Payable to:

Giving Willingly Empowering Nationally (GWEN) PAC
FEC ID # C00431478
C/O Evans and Katz
1831 Bay Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

PAC Host: $2,500
PAC Guest: $1,000
Individual Guest: $250

Gwen Moore mustn’t be really worried about the upcoming election for her seat here in the fourth Congressional district, because if she were she’d spend more time focusing on her district and less time trying to raise both her profile and PAC money back in Washington, D.C..


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