Which of the GOP Senate candidates would support repealing the Civil Rights Act?

Jason Haas has a question for Wisconsin’s Republican U.S. Senate candidates, each of whom have embraced the Tea Party movement to varying degrees:

I’m writing this to ask Wisconsin’s Tea Party-affiliated candidates, especially those hoping to win the U.S. Senate primary: Do you think that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should be amended to modify the outlawing of discrimination by private institutions?

At least one of the Republican U.S. Senate candidates, Dave Westlake, has said on Facebook he’ll enjoy being a freshman U.S. Senator with Rand Paul, leaving me to wonder if he shares Dr. Paul’s belief that civil rights should have been left to the states to decide for themselves:

I’d be curious to see what Dave Westlake and the other Republican U.S. Senate candidates really think of Dr. Rand Paul’s pretty extreme beliefs, beliefs that certainly seem to be outside the mainstream of our political discourse.


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