Vukmir travels to Lazich territory to get funds

State Representative Leah Vukmir (R-Wauwatosa), candidate trying to oust State Senator Jim Sullivan (D-Wauwatosa), is holding a fundraiser on June 28th…in Muskego. It strikes me as a funny since most of us who live in the southern burbs of Milwaukee metro always complain of the lack of places to dine or hold events. We usually travel to places such as, oh, Wauwatosa for such finer things in life. How ironic is it that a candidate representing those finer areas like Brookfield and Tosa is coming all the way down to Muskego to do a fundraiser.

Are all the venues in Brookfield, Elm Grove, Wauwatosa and West Allis booked for months? Probably not.

Then why Muskego? Here’s my perspective:

Vukmir is known as a rising star for the Tea Party base(s) in Wisconsin, and generally appears at such functions. The Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty, the area Tea Party organization, is based in Muskego’s suburban neighbor, Franklin (also in Lazich’s district). Could it be that Vukmir is aiming to appeal to the GrandSons of Liberty by bringing her fundraiser so close to their homes?

I wonder of State Senator Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) or her aide, Kevin Fischer, will be in attendance for Vukmir’s event as well. Muskego is in Lazich’s senate district afterall, and Lazich could take advantage of the event by gaining more supporters and possible volunteers. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone, Democrat or Republican, plans to take Lazich on when she’s up for re-election. There is a growing frustration about her decision-making from more than just Democrats. Lazich will need all the help she can get if she lands an opponent…especially a Republican or Tea Party challenger.


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2 thoughts on “Vukmir travels to Lazich territory to get funds

  1. Actually, Vukmir did have a fundraiser in West Allis…A bowling party!!! Her invitation informed us that Ronald Reagan liked bowling so why don’t us West Allisans join her!!! Pandering at a percieved stereotype at its highest!!! She assumes that everyone in West Allis likes bowling and other quaint and typical blue collar activities. I suggest that she hold her next West Allis fundraiser at Bill Savage’s absentee ownership dump of the bar. (ASIDE: Watch out for the flying booze bottles) I bet she assumes that we all congregate in hell-holes like that!!!!

    Notice that her Photo Gallery doesn’t contain photos from her West Allis “bowling” fundraiser, but it does contain photos from the fundraiser at the Elm Grove Women’s Club. Rather be seen with Margaret Farrow and Alberta Darling (is she from the 5th District?)than us bowlers from West Allis.

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