Netroots Nation 2010 (NN10) is being held this weekend in Las Vegas, and as their counter to the event, conservatives have gathered in Las Vegas for the RightOnline convention. Obviously feeling inadequate, organizers of RightOnline declared they had put together a larger even than their progressive counterparts, while in the process taking jabs at the attendees of NN10, calling them “angry and bitter.”
Erik Telford of Americans for Prosperity received cheers from those in attendance at Right Online for noting attendance at the right-wing convention was 1,100 registered attendees, a number that was larger than Netroots Nation, but according to a spokesperson for Netroots Nation, attendance at the progressive convention numbered 2,100 registered attendees.
I hope the left is focused on quality, not quantity. Remember, size doesn’t matter.
xoff, I think the left has both quality and quantity.