Ron Johnson Displays His Lack Of Spine Again…Even Though His Post Is A Celebration…Well For Him Anyway.

So yesterday as all of you know, the 118th Congress got underway in Washington…well sort of. But the Senate did get started and members were sworn in yesterday, including the embarrassment from Wisconsin and insurrectionist, Ron Johnson. So of course Rojo wanted to celebrate the event and posted this tweet…

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Apparently There Are Snowflake Republicans?

when I logged into Facebook this morning, I was greeted with this message about a post from 2016 being too graphic for some sensitive souls…despite the fact that this is actual American history…21st Century American history. and of course, that particular page has very little viewership since FB made it…

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Google wouldn’t steer you wrong now, would it? LOL!

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Who Put Out The Hit On Mayor Pete?

Many of you are probably as surprised as I am at the ascendance of South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg in the polls…particularly in places like Iowa. And of course his growing popularity hasn’t gone unnoticed in the media or the campaign offices of his Democratic opponents. But even with that…it…

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An All White Democratic Debate? Well almost…

Senator Kamala Harris was one of the Democratic Presidential Candidates who had made the minimum requirements to participate in this Thursday’s debate. She was the only person of color at that point. So when she dropped out it looked like we were going to have an all white panel. And…

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And Then Trump Did This


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Scott Walker Is Still Delusional:

from the Twitterverse: Really? The Bidens have nothing to do with this…it’s the ask that’s the crime. It really is that simple…but apparently not simple enough for our simpleton ex-governor! Let’s make sure that Scott Walker is never elected to anything ever again!

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OMFG! Who is Zoominfo and why are they doing this to me?

this could be funny if it wasn’t so sad…and I would really like to know how they pulled this nonsense together: and please let me know how I can get my hands on the $5M in revenue…

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Prominent Nazi Lectures Left On How To Act Like A Nazi

I am just going to leave this right here: Well, except that Nazis are right wingers…just sayin’

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Tom Palzewicz For Congress

From our Facebook timeline just a few minutes ago: I offer thanks and appreciation to Congressman Sensenbrenner for his service to the country. America has seen what unfettered Republican control of our national government means, and chose a different path in 2018. In order to address climate change, gun violence,…

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