Teen hit by falling concrete at airport, Walker continues to campaign

More bad news for Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker, who spent the weekend campaigning while scores of Milwaukeeans recover from last week’s massive rainstorm and ensuing floods. While Walker was busy on the campaign trail, a teen at General Mitchell International Airport was struck by a piece of falling concrete, and while the teen was not seriously injured, this just underscores how neglectful Scott Walker has been in his duties as Milwaukee County Executive when it comes to facilities maintenance.

If Scott Walker can’t keep Milwaukee County’s facilities from attacking people on his watch, then how can we expect any better if he’s elected governor?

Here’s a great video summarizing the two distinct responses to Milwaukee’s historic flooding by Scott Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Walker’s likely Democratic opponent in the gubernatorial race:


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4 thoughts on “Teen hit by falling concrete at airport, Walker continues to campaign

  1. Really?? a chunk of Fiberglass decoration falls off a building. a few days after the primitive Sewerage system that Mr. Barrett and his nearly hundred years of Progressive and Democrat predecessors have declined to separate the Sewers from the rain water drains on the “Progressive/ Lefty part of the city of Milwaukee into Shorewood. Sorry folks it’s gonna be ugly but it’s time to rip up those streets and rebuild the drainage system. Good thing you don’t have that ridiculous proposed train system to rip up as well. Before we start obligating ourselves to ever more infrastructure projects can we work on improving the ones that already out of date? WE don’t need expensive trains when Milwaukee is being going to have to pay 1-3 Billion to rebuild the East side sewers.

    1. UP, if you think a 14 pound piece of concrete falling on someone’s head from 10 feet up is no big deal, then more power to you.

      However, that young man could have been seriously injured.

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