Do your duty!

It’s September 14, which means today’s the day for Wisconsin’s partisan primary election. Democracy isn’t a spectator sport, so no matter what your political leanings, get out there and exercise your right to vote.

And if you’re not sure where to vote, go find out.


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8 thoughts on “Do your duty!

  1. Is it really our duty? What about those of us who aren’t a member of either party?

    I really struggle with this. I’m as engaged in politics and government as anyone I know – I follow the issues, read up on them and consider them carefully to decide what (and who) I think are best for my town, county, state and country. But I don’t want to associate myself with either party. Sure my views tend to align with one more than the other but I view both parties as too corrupt to actually support them. As such, how do I vote in a partisan primary? As much as I dislike the parties, since I’m not a member of either, I don’t believe I have any right to select their candidate. I never miss a general election & ultimately I will vote for one of their candidates (though I have no qualms about “wasting” my vote for a third party candidate if I think that’s best or my conscience requires me to). But even though I have clear preferences for who the R’s & D’s choose, I don’t feel I have a right to decide either of their candidates. That said, I feel like I’m not doing by civic duty by abstaining – hence the struggle with this.

    Any advice? Am I shirking my civic duty by choosing to abstain?

    1. Locke, I don’t think you’re shirking your civic duty by abstaining, given your situation, but at the same time I’d say that while you’re not a member of either party, I believe you still have the same right as I do to vote for the candidates you think will best represent you in Congress or the White House, regardless of whether that means you vote Democrat or Republican – or some mix of both in the general election.

  2. As i am still considering whether to vote in the primary as a repub or not, someone asked me why I would do that since I am not a republican. I replied that I am alos not a democrat but I am a citizen of Wisconsin. I dont respect either party enough to be left alone.

    I actually agree with Bobby Kennedy Jr. when he says the Republican party is about 08% corrupt while the democratic party is only about 86% corrupt.

  3. Sorry Zach. I’m staying home.

    Locke I don’t think you’re shirking. But I DO feel very strongly that you are making a huge mistake in thinking you don’t have “a right” because you are not a fan or active in either Party.
    Take a casual look at European Countries, they have many many Parties. Germany is a Party-fest. No one of then can carry a majority so they have to form coalitions. The point of that is to kinda show that Party power is relative to a particular culture. And those rules can change.

    You are a citizen. That should be the most elevated position in a Democracy. If the existing Parties do not “speak” to you, that is THEIR failure, not yours. It’s their responsibility to engage the public. if there are large numbers they do not engage, they need to examine why. Of course they won’t do this, all groups prefer to maintain the status quo – it’s human nature.

    But if you don’t feel an affinity to EITHER of 2 (or more) candidates, and you FORCE yourself to choose anyway, then how is that different from the sad voters in a Dictatorship, where people are forced to vote, but there is only Mr. Asshole to vote for?
    No difference.

    I don’t even “lesser of 2 evils” UNLESS I feel it is a situation where that party I like least will gain some overall advantage with that particular win.(Republicans annoy me more than Dems, but Dems make me crazy every day)

    I know a guy who writes in Donald Duck when he is very upset with the system and feels he has no choice. It’s HIS vote, HIS form of sacred personal expression. All voting behaviors are valid if they show something about how YOU truly feel.

    Whenever you want to, you get into that voting booth and Get Jiggy Wi’ It.

    re: today – I was annoyed to learn that apparently Barret and the Lt Gov. candidates have been (it seems?) heavily targeting their comfy pals all along in my area, seducing their base and the party regulars, BUT there has been really NO attention to the less glamorous groups and CERTAINLY no sign of any kind of election AT ALL in my own neighborhood. That pisses me off no end.
    As far as I’m concerned (for now anyway) if Milwaukee and their BFFs are who the candidates are courting, then they don’t need me I guess.
    I have laundry to do. Sacred laundry, laundry that is essential to democratic principles and upholds our uniquely American way of life.

    p.s. when the Big One comes around, I am SOOOOOO voting for Ed Thompson, to get Vinehout THE HELL OUTTA THERE so maybe NEXT time the local idiot Dems will get a REAL Democrat, with a.)personality and b.) braincells, to run. She does NOT need another term to further entrench herself and burrow in till she becomes a fixture. no no no

    Go Eddy! I’m your best friend!!

  4. I think if I do crossover it will be neumann/lorge/westlake. I couldnt bring myself to use my civic duty to put kleefisch anywhere near government.

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