20 thoughts on ““Earned it”

  1. Can anyone tell me the last private sector job Fiengold had. Can anyone provide evidence as to jobs he created. It is time for new ideas. By the way Fiengold was no where to be found during Obama’s milwaukee visit?

  2. He is your typical politician marches to the orders of his party and occasionally makes a little stand that gets some media attention and then pretends he is all for the middle class. Just another DC insider who has no real connection to Wisconsin.

  3. Oh yeah his listening sessions he holds each county, it is clear that he is not listening as he almost keeps supporting every thing Obama does and Wisconsin opposes. He really needs to represent the people not special interest.

    1. I don’t know how many times it is necessary to go over this, but he can’t do everything everyone wants. If someone doesn’t get their way it doesn’t mean “he isn’t listening.”

    1. Yeah, I suppose Sen. Feingold’s vote in 2004 against S.1805, a bill that would have extended the Federal ban on semi-automatic firearms, was a vote he made just for the far left, right Notalib?

      I suppose Sen. Feingold joining the majority of Senate conservatives in signing an amicus brief in District of Columbia v. Heller was just another example of how he represents only the far left, right?

      And I suppose Sen. Feingold’s vote against the TARP was also a vote he made to placate just the far left of his constituency.

  4. Lulz on toast my friend.
    “Listen” the very same way that “your” candidates will listen to me and represent the “far left” if THEY are elected?
    No, the left overall is more influenced by the right, they are actually “better listeners”. Sadly, that most often only means the Left is “afraid” of the right will say – those bogus accusations of trying to “break business” and all their supposed desire to Ruin America and Implement Communism. Which we all know are absolute crapola. But it works.
    And the Democrats “listen”.

    The right, on the other hand, would/does only want to annihilate all opposing views.
    You are your own Jihad.
    Which is why the right hates any signs if Jihadism in other cultures, a lil’ too close tah home dere buddy, ain’t it. Yuppers.
    But whether the person wears a 3 piece suit or a goddam turban – Jihadism and Absolutism sucks.
    And that is DEFINITELY “not listening”.

  5. Annie that was a hysterical paranoid rant but I did enjoy it. I especially how you played the we are inclusive while you are “racist”. You followed the democrat playbook 100% in this post, “since we don’t dare run on Obamas 2 year record of failures lets just make sure we use the race card whenever possible during this election.”

  6. Did not Did not!

    I never said Racist. an’ I wasn’t even thinking it. also I don’t like Obama, and I never did. The people I DO like would make you cry like a achool girl. So you can knock all that stuff off.

    I said Absolutist. Jihad is not racism, it’s thinking YOU have a Holy Hotline to the Right Way of doin’ stuff, and the people who think different are “less than” and can be shoved aside w/o guilt.

    when the F did I say racist? nevah baby.

    and me luvs hysteria, it’s fun. 😉

    1. And here I thought you wanted a candidate who was more like a normal Wisconsinite….he’s a good boy and chews his food like his mom taught him!

    2. I KNOW!!!!!
      I showed people that, specifically to Lol at it. Yeah the idea is good overall but wtf about the “Contemplative Chewing”.
      chewing is gross. you should go with the Slow Appreciative Coffee Sip every time, the chewing should be IMPLIED.
      omg Russ, you need me to help you thru little problems like that…

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