How many campaign reporting violations can Scott Walker ring up?

According to One Wisconsin Now, Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker has racked up over 650 violations of Wisconsin’s campaign finance reporting laws:

Scott Walker’s Campaign Reporting Violations
July 2009 Continuing Report: 206 contributions in excess of $100 without the required information totaling $76,170
Jan 2010 Continuing Report: 35 contributions in excess of $100 without the required information totaling $10,710
July 2010 Continuing Report: 204 contributions in excess of $100 without the required information totaling $68,575.38
Pre-primary 2010 Report: 214 contributions in excess of $100 without the required information totaling $79,464.68

As noted by Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now, this isn’t a case of a few isolated incidents, nor are the dollar amounts involved insignificant. The fact that Scott Walker’s campaign can’t follow basic campaign finance reporting laws shows just how little regard he has for running a clean campaign, and it shows how ineffective he is as a manager. If Walker can’t manage to get his campaign to follow the law, how can anyone expect he’ll be the kind of effective leader Wisconsin’s citizens deserve in their next governor?


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6 thoughts on “How many campaign reporting violations can Scott Walker ring up?

      1. True – but the size of the grain of salt required for any statement by this particular organization would cause serious health problems. There are some people and groups that are so out there, so completely & totally partisan that they shouldn’t be trusted by any reasonable person. Mike Tate, Reince Priebus & their respective (but not respectful) organizations and OWN should be at the top of that list.

        And being like a broken clock – occasionally right by blind luck – wouldn’t be something I’d personally trust to publish in a blog, though I know you like to publish all their press releases.

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