10 thoughts on “Super Sunday open thread

  1. I’m on a news diet. I figure @ a month more I can do that and then focus on the midterms. Here in CA, just about every race and initiative is so anxiety-anxiety that I have a really hard time not just going down the rabbit hole with all of it. I simply can’t follow the poll sites and be checking them every morning like I did in 2008 and protect my mental health.

    I feel guilty and out of the loop, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

  2. Once again, in today’s MJS, Ron Johnson is claiming that he never has charactorized himself as a self-made man. My question is simple: How did SO MANY people mistakenly get that impression?!? Clearly Johnson is the one that gave people that impresssion by lying by omission and using phrases like “ground-up” and “started.”

  3. That was quite the glowing profile of Johnson in MJS today.

    I’d like to know how the hell those reporters can lump Westlake in with Stephen Finn, the guy who sits in his mother’s basement typing answers for his yahoo website and calls it campaigning.

    Westlake may not be swimming in cash but seriously, give him credit for the last 18 months he’s spent on the campaign trail working his ass off. Throwing him in the same category as Finn is ridiculous.

  4. Mr. Johnson was also quoted as saying that the health care reform bill was the biggest invasion of rights in his life time…so either he was born after the Patriot Act was enacted or too dumb to understand it’s assault on the Bill of Rights…

  5. the patriot act raise my taxes,no,did the patriot act force me to buy something,no.Did the patriot act invade your privacy Ed,no.Option 3 your to dumb to understand

    1. Does the PATRIOT Act enable the government to conduct searches and seizures without warrants, in violation of the Fourth Amendment? YES.

      Does that PATRIOT Act enable the government to hold individuals indefinitely without charges, in violation of the Sixth Amendment? YES.

      Ray, tell me how allowing law enforcement to conduct searches without having to get a warrant doesn’t constitute a violation of one’s privacy as outlined in the Fourth Amendment.

    2. Did the patriot act raise your taxes? Not yet it hasn’t but it did result in bigger government whose costs of doing business will eventually catch up with us. And so far the heatlh care reform bill hasn’t raised them either.

      Did the patriot act force me to buy something? Only indirectly…the communications companies have had to grant access to the feds for eavesdropping and wiretaps…those costs have been passed along to you and me in our utility rates.

      Did the patriot act invade my privacy? Without a doubt! If my emails, phone calls, web surfing, etc have the most remote possibility of being intercepted and reviewed by a third party government agency, then by all means my privacy has been invaded.

      btw: you are too dumb to differentiate between your and you’re and to and too.

    3. “your to dumb to understand”

      That would be “You’re”. It’s a word at the beginning of sentence, so it’s capitalized, and the correct form is a contraction of the phrase “you are”.

      You’re Welcome.

      PS: The Patriot Act cuts both ways. I’m sure you do nothing “wrong”, or “against the law”, certainly. Consider this, however; if you can’t spell a simple contracted pronoun when making a point about someone else’s supposed “dumbness” or even use spell-check, then perhaps you don’t know the law as well, say, the FBI or Homeland Security.

  6. “your to dumb to understand”

    My bad – that was the middle of the sentence, not the beginning, and I missed a “the”. If I’m going to pick nits, I better do it right. 🙂

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