Tom Barrett unveils plan to protect Wisconsin workers

At least someone’s talking about what they’ll do to protect Wisconsin workers from unfair trade:

Barrett announced a two-pronged approach on Friday. He says part of it will protect workers from unfair trade pacts. The other part, he says, will increase exports through fair trade.

He said he’ll create a watchdog group to keep jobs in Wisconsin and lobby Congress and the president to crack down on unfair trade deals.

Laid-off paper mill workers we spoke with said those are just the kinds of policies needed to protect workers.

In response, look for Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker to unveil his own plan to protect Wisconsin’s workers from unfair trade pacts, a plan that will no doubt be written in 58-point font.


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5 thoughts on “Tom Barrett unveils plan to protect Wisconsin workers

  1. Does protecting Wisconsin workers mean driving a Buick that was made in Canada like Tom Nelson does?

  2. Great plan! Barrett (or ANY governor) can’t do JACK SQUAT about trade pacts. But they will tell Washington that they are MAD and lobby. Next, Barrett’s plan will be to stand in a corner and hold his breath until someone listens to him.

    What Barrett CAN do is take the initiative to make Wisconsin more business-friendly, and that means a better tax climate.

  3. He may not be able to do anything about the actual trade pacts but he can reward Wisconsin employers who keep jobs in Wisconsin.

    1. Rewards? You mean that “corporate welfare” liberals are always railing against? Instead of rewarding employers who are at the breaking point and threaten to leave, how about an across the board friendly environment for current employers and to attract new ones?

  4. Does Tom Barrett think he is running for President? All this talk about abortion and trade pacts. Does he know what a Governor does?

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