Ben Masel tests the emergency free speech system

On Tuesday, Jeremy Ryan from Defending Wisconsin PAC and Valerie Walasek, a disabled veteran, were exercising their Constitutionally-protected right to free speech by holding a sign on the first floor of the Wisconsin State Capitol when they were asked to take down their sign by an officer from the State Capitol police. After refusing the remove the sign, citing their first amendment rights, the officer physically removed the sign and issued them citations.

Here’s some video from Tuesday’s incident:

On Wednesday, a group of 10-12 people visited the Capitol with signs, and despite exercising their first amendment rights to free speech in much the same manner as Jeremy Ryan and Valeria Walasek the day before, none were issued citations. Here’s some video of that second group, which includes Jeremy Ryan, Carol of blue cheddar, and Ben Masel of Madison protesting inside the Capitol.


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3 thoughts on “Ben Masel tests the emergency free speech system

  1. At least the officer got it right the 1st time…..Nothing more amusing than watching videos of graying hippies still “fighting the man”….

  2. Dear Bobachek-“Greying hippie” Ben was pretty amused too. He has a great sense of humor. He’s been conducting that very same behavior shown in the video for 25 years in the very same space. Only thing different is the new administration. He’s got a court case against the DOA. He’ll win. Constitution’s on his side. Unlike Walker who will get it back when he gets kicked out. Just daydreaming, but what do you think – a size medium orange jumpsuit for Walker? Medium security or supermax?

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