Scott Walker’s Wisconsin: closed for business

Apparently Scott Walker’s Wisconsin isn’t “Open for Business,” if layoff notices submitted to the state by private companies are any indication:

According to the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, 19 companies have given notice of plant closings or mass layoffs to 2,207 workers since Walker was sworn-in on January 3, 2011

It’s also worth noting the number of layoffs announced by the DWD since Gov. Walker was inaugurated does not include businesses such as train-maker Talgo, and wind farm developer Invenergy, both of whom recently announced plans to pull out hundreds of jobs out of Wisconsin because of Scott Walker’s anti-train and anti-renewable energy policies.

During his gubernatorial campaign, Scott Walker promised to create 250,000 jobs here in Wisconsin during his time in office. If we divide that number by the number of months he’ll be in office, Walker would need to create just over 5,200 jobs per month for every month he’s in office in order to reach his promised goal of 250,000 jobs created. By my math, that means Gov. Walker should have already created just over 10,400 jobs since taking office, and yet it appears the number of jobs created by Walker is actually -2,207.

Yep, Wisconsin’s open for business!


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5 thoughts on “Scott Walker’s Wisconsin: closed for business

  1. Excellent! I’ve wanted to see a running tally ever since the Talgo debacle. I wasn’t aware the numbers were available from the state. Well, at least they will be until Scott Walker finds out about it.

  2. Just might take Walker more than 3 months to undo the years of damage heaped upon the manufacturing base of this state by Jim Doyle and the Dems anti-business policies…

    1. Dude, you got your talking points wrong. It was the teachers who did this to us. It was all those public servants who get paid less than their private counterparts who did this to us.

      In reality, we know it was Clinton who signed NAFTA and Bush who gave away trillions of dollars to the largest corporations while they were sending our jobs overseas.

      We aren’t stupid Bob. We can think for ourselves.

  3. scooter is quite the salesperson it seems. He will catch up though when he starts privatizing and takes credit for creating jobs.

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