5 thoughts on “It’s a bird….it’s a plane….it’s a weasel!

  1. I believe there were 3 different plane banners flying over Camp Randall all paid for by three different groups!

    I guess everyone is noticing how his “tools” work!

  2. I love this. Especially because it’s true.

    Of course, I missed it because I was inside a Madison bar watching the BREW CREW take home game 1. But great move that keeps it on the front burner, and blunts any lame PR moves Scotty was going to try to latch onto a university that he cut funding to.

  3. I don’t like that banner…although I have little respect for Gov. Walker…I would rather be civil without the name calling…there are plenty of serious things that can be said about his actions that are far more effective and less juvenile. One of the other banners simply said Recall Walker which is far more civil and appropriate.

    Considering we have another post today on civility…sigh.

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